Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

February 1990 Order Number: 271103-001
Y High Speed CHMOS III Technology
Y Pin for Pin, Clock for Clock, and
Functionally Compatible with the HMOS
(See M80286 Data Sheet, Order Ý271028-003)
Y Stop Clock Capability
ÐUses Less Power (see ICCS
Y 10 MHz Clock Rate
Y 68 Lead Pin Grid Array Package
Y 68 Lead Ceramic Quad Flatpack
(See Packaging Spec., Order Ý231369)
Y Military Temperature Range:
b55§C to a125§C (TC)
The M80C286 is an advanced 16 bit CHMOS III microprocessor designed for multi-user and multi-tasking
applications that require low power and high performance. The M80C286 is fully compatible with its predecessor
the HMOS M80286 and object-code compatible with the M8086 and M80386 family of products. In
addition, the M80C286 has a power down mode which uses less power, making it ideal for mobile applications.
The M80C286 has built-in memory protection that maintains a four level protection mechanism for task isolation,
a hardware task switching facility and memory mangement capabilities that map 230 bytes (one gigabyte)
of virtual address space per task (per user) into 224 bytes (16 megabytes) of physical memory.
The M80C286 is upward compatible with M8086 and M8088 software. Using M8086 real address mode, the
M80C286 is object code compatible with existing M8086, M8088 software. In protected virtual address mode,
the M80C286 is source code compatible with M8086, M8088 software which may require upgrading to use
virtual addresses supported by the M80C286's integrated memory management and protection mechanism.
Both modes operate at full M80C286 performance and execute a superset of the M8086 and M8088 instructions.
The M80C286 provides special operations to support the efficient implementation and execution of operating
systems. For example, one instruction can end execution of one task, save its state, switch to a new task, load
its state, and start execution of the new task. The M80C286 also supports virtual memory systems by providing
a segment-not-present exception and restartable instructions.
Figure 1. M80C286 Internal Block Diagram
The M80C286 is an advanced, high-performance microprocessor
with specially optimized capabilities for
multiple user and multi-tasking systems. Depending
on the application, a 10 MHz M80C286's performance
is up to eight times faster than the standard 5
MHz M8086's, while providing complete upward
software compatibility with Intel's M8086, 88, and
186 family of CPU's.
The M80C286 operates in two modes: M8086 real
address mode and protected virtual address mode.
Both modes execute a superset of the M8086 and
88 instruction set.
In M8086 real address mode programs use real addresses
with up to one megabyte of address space.
Programs use virtual addresses in protected virtual
address mode, also called protected mode. In protected
mode, the M80C286 CPU automatically maps
1 gigabyte of virtual addresses per task into a 16
megabyte real address space. This mode also provides
memory protection to isolate the operating
system and ensure privacy of each tasks' programs
and data. Both modes provide the same base instruction
set, registers, and addressing modes.
The following Functional Description describes first,
the base M80C286 architecture common to both
modes, second, M8086 real address mode, and
third, protected mode.
The M8086, 88, 186, and 286 CPU family all contain
the same basic set of registers, instructions, and
addressing modes. The M80C286 processor is upward
compatible with the M8086, M8088, and 80186
CPU's and fully compatible with the HMOS M80286.
Register Set
The M80C286 base architecture has fifteen registers
as shown in Figure 2. These registers are grouped
into the following four categories:
General Registers: Eight 16-bit general purpose
registers used to contain arithmetic and logical operands.
Four of these (AX, BX, CX, and DX) can be
used either in their entirety as 16-bit words or split
into pairs of separate 8-bit registers.
Segment Registers: Four 16-bit special purpose
registers select, at any given time, the segments of
memory that are immediately addressable for code,
stack, and data. (For usage, refer to Memory Organization.)
Base and Index Registers: Four of the general purpose
registers may also be used to determine offset
addresses of operands in memory. These registers
may contain base addresses or indexes to particular
locations within a segment. The addressing mode
determines the specific registers used for operand
address calculations.
Status and Control Registers: The 3 16-bit special
purpose registers in Figure 3 record or control certain
aspects of the M80C286 processor state including
the Instruction Pointer, which contains the offset
address of the next sequential instruction to be executed.
7 0 7 0
BP *
DI *
15 0
15 0
15 0
Figure 2. Register Set
Figure 3. Status and Control Register Bit Functions
Flags Word Description
The Flags word (Flags) records specific characteristics
of the result of logical and arithmetic instructions
(bits 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 11) and controls the operation
of the M80C286 within a given operating mode (bits
8 and 9). Flags is a 16-bit register. The function of
the flag bits is given in Table 1.
Instruction Set
The instruction set is divided into seven categories:
data transfer, arithmetic, shift/rotate/logical, string
manipulation, control transfer, high level instructions,
and processor control. These categories are
summarized in Table 2.
An M80C286 instruction can reference zero, one, or
two operands; where an operand resides in a register,
in the instruction itself, or in memory. Zero-operand
instructions (e.g. NOP and HLT) are usually one
byte long. One-operand instructions (e.g. INC and
DEC) are usually two bytes long but some are encoded
in only one byte. One-operand instructions
may reference a register or memory location. Twooperand
instructions permit the following six types of
instruction operations:
ÐRegister to Register
ÐMemory to Register
ÐImmediate to Register
ÐMemory to Memory
ÐRegister to Memory
ÐImmediate to Memory
Table 1. Flags Word Bit Functions
Name Function
0 CF Carry FlagÐSet on high-order bit
carry or borrow; cleared otherwise
2 PF Parity FlagÐSet if low-order 8 bits
of result contain an even number of
1-bits; cleared otherwise
4 AF Set on carry from or borrow to the
low order four bits of AL; cleared
6 ZF Zero FlagÐSet if result is zero;
cleared otherwise
7 SF Sign FlagÐSet equal to high-order
bit of result (0 if positive, 1 if negative)
11 OF Overflow FlagÐSet if result is a toolarge
positive number or a too-small
negative number (excluding sign-bit)
to fit in destination operand; cleared
8 TF Single Step FlagÐOnce set, a single
step interrupt occurs after the
next instruction executes. TF is
cleared by the single step interrupt.
9 IF Interrupt-enable FlagÐWhen set,
maskable interrupts will cause the
CPU to transfer control to an interrupt
vector specified location.
10 DF Direction FlagÐCauses string
instructions to auto decrement
the appropriate index registers
when set. Clearing DF causes
auto increment.
Two-operand instructions (e.g. MOV and ADD) are
usually three to six bytes long. Memory to memory
operations are provided by a special class of string
instructions requiring one to three bytes. For detailed
instruction formats and encodings refer to the
instruction set summary at the end of this document.
For detailed operation and usage of each instruction,
see Appendix B of the 80286/80287 Programmer's
Reference Manual (Order No. 210498).
Table 2. Instruction Set
MOV Move byte or word
PUSH Push word onto stack
POP Pop word off stack
PUSHA Push all registers on stack
POPA Pop all registers from stack
XCHG Exchange byte or word
XLAT Translate byte
IN Input byte or word
OUT Output byte or word
LEA Load effective address
LDS Load pointer using DS
LES Load pointer using ES
LAHF Load AH register from flags
SAHF Store AH register in flags
PUSHF Push flags onto stack
POPF Pop flags off stack
Data Transfer Instructions
MOVS Move byte or word string
INS Input bytes or word string
OUTS Output bytes or word string
CMPS Compare byte or word string
SCAS Scan byte or word string
LODS Load byte or word string
STOS Store byte or word string
REP Repeat
REPE/REPZ Repeat while equal/zero
REPNE/REPNZ Repeat while not equal/not zero
String Instructions
ADD Add byte or word
ADC Add byte or word with carry
INC Increment byte or word by 1
AAA ASCII adjust for addition
DAA Decimal adjust for addition
SUB Subtract byte or word
SBB Subtract byte or word with borrow
DEC Decrement byte or word by 1
NEG Negate byte or word
CMP Compare byte or word
AAS ASCII adjust for subtraction
DAS Decimal adjust for subtraction
MUL Multiple byte or word unsigned
IMUL Integer multiply byte or word
AAM ASCII adjust for multiply
DIV Divide byte or word unsigned
IDIV Integer divide byte or word
AAD ASCII adjust for division
CBW Convert byte to word
CWD Convert word to doubleword
Arithmetic Instructions
NOT ``Not'' byte or word
AND ``And'' byte or word
OR ``Inclusive or'' byte or word
XOR ``Exclusive or'' byte or word
TEST ``Test'' byte or word
SHL/SAL Shift logical/arithmetic left byte or word
SHR Shift logical right byte or word
SAR Shift arithmetic right byte or word
ROL Rotate left byte or word
ROR Rotate right byte or word
RCL Rotate through carry left byte or word
RCR Rotate through carry right byte or word
Shift/Rotate Logical Instructions
Table 2. Instruction Set (Continued)
JA/JNBE Jump if above/not below nor equal
JAE/JNB Jump if above or equal/not below
JB/JNAE Jump if below/not above nor equal
JBE/JNA Jump if below or equal/not above
JC Jump if carry
JE/JZ Jump if equal/zero
JG/JNLE Jump if greater/not less nor equal
JGE/JNL Jump if greater or equal/not less
JL/JNGE Jump if less/not greater nor equal
JLE/JNG Jump if less or equal/not greater
JNC Jump if not carry
JNE/JNZ Jump if not equal/not zero
JNO Jump if not overflow
JNP/JPO Jump if not parity/parity odd
JNS Jump if not sign
JO Jump if overflow
JP/JPE Jump if parity/parity even
JS Jump if sign
CALL Call procedure
RET Return from procedure
JMP Jump
LOOPE/LOOPZ Loop if equal/zero
LOOPNE/LOOPNZ Loop if not equal/not zero
JCXZ Jump if register CX e 0
INT Interrupt
INTO Interrupt if overflow
IRET Interrupt return
Program Transfer Instructions
STC Set carry flag
CLC Clear carry flag
CMC Complement carry flag
STD Set direction flag
CLD Clear direction flag
STI Set interrupt enable flag
CLI Clear interrupt enable flag
HLT Halt until interrupt or reset
WAIT Wait for BUSY not active
ESC Escape to extension processor
LOCK Lock bus during next instruction
NOP No operation
LMSW Load machine status word
SMSW Store machine status word
Process Control Instructions
ENTER Format stack for procedure entry
LEAVE Restore stack for procedure exit
BOUND Detects values outside
prescribed range
High Level Instructions
Memory Organization
Memory is organized as sets of variable length segments.
Each segment is a linear contiguous sequence
of up to 64K (216) 8-bit bytes. Memory is
addressed using a two component address (a pointer)
that consists of a 16-bit segment selector, and a
16-bit offset, see Figure 4. The segment selector indicates
the desired segment in memory. The offset
component indicates the desired byte address within
the segment.
Figure 4. Two Component Address
Table 3. Segment Register Selection Rules
Memory Segment Register Implicit Segment
Reference Needed Used Selection Rule
Instructions Code (CS) Automatic with instruction prefetch
Stack Stack (SS) All stack pushes and pops. Any memory reference which uses BP
as a base register.
Local Data Data (DS) All data references except when relative to stack or
string destination
External (Global) Data Extra (ES) Alternate data segment and destination of string operation
All instructions that address operands in memory
must specify the segment and the offset. For speed
and compact instruction encoding, segment selectors
are usually stored in the high speed segment
registers. An instruction need specify only the desired
segment register and an offset in order to address
a memory operand.
Most instructions need not explicitly specify which
segment register is used. The correct segment register
is automatically chosen according to the rules
of Table 3. These rules follow the way programs are
written (see Figure 5) as independent modules that
require areas for code and data, a stack, and access
to external data areas.
Special segment override instruction prefixes allow
the implicit segment register selection rules to be
overridden for special cases. The stack, data, and
extra segments may coincide for simple programs.
To access operands not residing in one of the four
immediately available segments, a full 32-bit pointer
or a new segment selector must be loaded.
Addressing Modes
The M80C286 provides a total of eight addressing
modes for instructions to specify operands. Two addressing
modes are provided for instructions that
operate on register or immediate operands:
Register Operand Mode: The operand is located
in one of the 8 or 16-bit general registers.
Immediate Operand Mode: The operand is included
in the instruction.
Six modes are provided to specify the location of an
operand in a memory segment. A memory operand
address consists of two 16-bit components: segment
selector and offset. The segment selector is
supplied by a segment register either implicitly chosen
by the addressing mode or explicitly chosen by
a segment override prefix. The offset is calculated
by summing any combination of the following three
address elements:
the displacement (an 8 or 16-bit immediate value
contained in the instruction)
the base (contents of either the BX or BP base
Figure 5. Segmented Memory Helps
Structure Software
the index (contents of either the SI or DI index
Any carry out from the 16-bit addition is ignored.
Eight-bit displacements are sign extended to 16-bit
Combinations of these three address elements define
the six memory addressing modes, described
Direct Mode: The operand's offset is contained in
the instruction as an 8 or 16-bit displacement element.
Register Indirect Mode: The operand's offset is in
one of the registers SI, DI, BX, or BP.
Based Mode: The operand's offset is the sum of an
8 or 16-bit displacement and the contents of a base
register (BX or BP).
Indexed Mode: The operand's offset is the sum of
an 8 or 16-bit displacement and the contents of an
index register (SI or DI).
Based Indexed Mode: The operand's offset is the
sum of the contents of a base register and an index
Based Indexed Mode with Displacement: The operand's
offset is the sum of a base register's contents,
an index register's contents, and an 8 or 16-bit
Data Types
The M80C286 directly supports the following data
Integer: A signed binary numeric value contained
in an 8-bit byte or a 16-bit
word. All operations assume a 2's
complement representation. Signed
32 and 64-bit integers are supported
using the Numeric Data Processor,
the M80C287.
Ordinal: An unsigned binary numeric value
contained in an 8-bit byte or 16-bit
Pointer: A 32-bit quantity, composed of a
segment selector component and an
offset component. Each component
is a 16-bit word.
String: A contiguous sequence of bytes or
words. A string may contain from 1
byte to 64K bytes.
ASCII: A byte representation of alphanumeric
and control characters using
the ASCII standard of character representation.
BCD: A byte (unpacked) representation of
the decimal digits 0±9.
Packed BCD: A byte (packed) representation of
two decimal digits 0±9 storing one
digit in each nibble of the byte.
Floating Point: A signed 32, 64, or 80-bit real number
representation. (Floating point
operands are supported using the
M80C287 Numeric Processor).
Figure 6 graphically represents the data types supported
by the M80C286.
I/O Space
The I/O space consists of 64K 8-bit or 32K 16-bit
ports. I/O instructions address the I/O space with
either an 8-bit port address, specified in the instruction,
or a 16-bit port address in the DX register. 8-bit
port addresses are zero extended such that A15±A8
are LOW. I/O port addresses 00F8(H) through
00FF(H) are reserved.
Figure 6. M80C286 Supported Data Types
Table 4. Interrupt Vector Assignments
Interrupt Related
Does Return Address
Number Instructions
Point to Instruction
Causing Exception?
Divide error exception 0 DIV, IDIV Yes
Single step interrupt 1 All
NMI interrupt 2 INT 2 or NMI pin
Breakpoint interrupt 3 INT 3
INTO detected overflow exception 4 INTO No
BOUND range exceeded exception 5 BOUND Yes
Invalid opcode exception 6 Any undefined opcode Yes
Processor extension not available exception 7 ESC or WAIT Yes
Intel reserved±do not use 8-15
Processor extension error interrupt 16 ESC or WAIT
Intel reserved±do not use 17-31
User defined 32-255
An interrupt transfers execution to a new program
location. The old program address (CS:IP) and machine
state (Flags) are saved on the stack to allow
resumption of the interrupted program. Interrupts fall
into three classes: hardware initiated, INT instructions,
and instruction exceptions. Hardware initiated
interrupts occur in response to an external input and
are classified as non-maskable or maskable. Programs
may cause an interrupt with an INT instruction.
Instruction exceptions occur when an unusual
condition, which prevents further instruction processing,
is detected while attempting to execute an
instruction. The return address from an exception
will always point at the instruction causing the exception
and include any leading instruction prefixes.
A table containing up to 256 pointers defines the
proper interrupt service routine for each interrupt. Interrupts
0±31, some of which are used for instruction
exceptions, are reserved. For each interrupt, an
8-bit vector must be supplied to the M80C286 which
identifies the appropriate table entry. Exceptions
supply the interrupt vector internally. INT instructions
contain or imply the vector and allow access to all
256 interrupts. The Interrupt Vector Assignments are
listed in Table 4. Maskable hardware initiated interrupts
supply the 8-bit vector to the CPU during an
interrupt acknowledge bus sequence. Non-maskable
hardware interrupts use a predefined internally
supplied vector.
The M80C286 provides a maskable hardware interrupt
request pin, INTR. Software enables this input
by setting the interrupt flag bit (IF) in the flag word.
All 224 user-defined interrupt sources can share this
input, yet they can retain separate interrupt handlers.
An 8-bit vector read by the CPU during the
interrupt acknowledge sequence (discussed in System
Interface section) identifies the source of the
Further maskable interrupts are disabled while servicing
an interrupt by resetting the IF but as part of
the response to an interrupt or exception. The saved
flag word will reflect the enable status of the processor
prior to the interrupt. Until the flag word is restored
to the flag register, the interrupt flag will be
zero unless specifically set. The interrupt return instruction
includes restoring the flag word, thereby
restoring the original status of IF.
A non-maskable interrupt input (NMI) is also provided.
NMI has higher priority than INTR. A typical use
of NMI would be to activate a power failure routine.
The activation of this input causes an interrupt with
an internally supplied vector value of 2. No external
interrupt acknowledge sequence is performed.
While executing the NMI servicing procedure, the
M80C286 will service neither further NMI requests,
INTR requests, nor the processor extension segment
overrun interrupt until an interrupt return (IRET)
instruction is executed or the CPU is reset. If NMI
occurs while currently servicing an NMI, its presence
will be saved for servicing after executing the first
IRET instruction. IF is cleared at the beginning of an
NMI interrupt to inhibit INTR interrupts.
The M80C286 has an internal interrupt that allows
programs to execute one instruction at a time. It is
called the single step interrupt and is controlled by
the single step flag bit (TF) in the flag word. Once
this bit is set, an internal single step interrupt will
occur after the next instruction has been executed.
The interrupt clears the TF bit and uses an internally
supplied vector of 1. The IRET instruction is used to
set the TF bit and transfer control to the next instruction
to be single stepped.
Interrupt Priorities
When simultaneous interrupt requests occur, they
are processed in a fixed order as shown in Table 5.
Interrupt processing involves saving the flags, return
address, and setting CS:IP to point at the first instruction
of the interrupt handler. If other interrupts
remain enabled they are processed before the first
instruction of the current interrupt handler is executed.
The last interrupt processed is therefore the first
one serviced.
Table 5. Interrupt Processing Order
Order Interrupt
1 Instruction exception
2 Single step
4 Processor extension segment overrun
6 INT instruction
Initialization and Processor Reset
Processor initialization or start up is accomplished
by driving the RESET input pin HIGH. RESET forces
the M80C286 to terminate all execution and local
bus activity. No instruction or bus activity will occur
as long as RESET is active. After RESET becomes
inactive and an internal processing interval elapses,
the M80C286 begins execution in real address
mode with the instruction at physical location
FFFFF0(H). RESET also sets some registers to predefined
values as shown in Table 6.
Flag word 0002(H)
Machine Status Word FFF0(H)
Instruction pointer FFF0(H)
Code segment F000(H)
Data segment 0000(H)
Extra segment 0000(H)
Stack segment 0000(H)
HOLD must not be active during the time from the
leading edge of RESET to 34 CLKs after the trailing
edge of RESET.
Machine Status Word Description
The machine status word (MSW) records when a
task switch takes place and controls the operating
mode of the M80C286. It is a 16-bit register of which
the lower four bits are used. One bit places the CPU
into protected mode, while the other three bits, as
shown in Table 7, control the processor extension
interface. After RESET, this register contains
FFF0(H) which places the M80C286 in M8086 real
address mode.
Table 7. MSW Bit Functions
Name Function
0 PE Protected mode enable places the
M80C286 into protected mode and
cannot be cleared except by RESET.
1 MP Monitor processor extension allows
WAIT instructions to cause a processor
extension not present exception
(number 7).
2 EM Emulate processor extension causes a
processor extension not present
exception (number 7) on ESC
instructions to allow emulating a
processor extension.
3 TS Task switched indicates the next
instruction using a processor extension
will cause exception 7, allowing software
to test whether the current processor
extension context belongs to the current
The LMSW and SMSW instructions can load and
store the MSW in real address mode. The recommended
use of TS, EM, and MP is shown in Table 8.
Table 8. Recommended MSW Encodings For Processor Extension Control
TS MP EM Recommended Use Causing
Exception 7
0 0 0 Initial encoding after RESET. M80C286 operation is identical to M8086, 88. None
0 0 1 No processor extension is available. Software will emulate its function. ESC
1 0 1 No processor extension is available. Software will emulate its function. The current ESC
processor extension context may belong to another task.
0 1 0 A processor extension exists. None
1 1 0 A processor extension exists. The current processor extension context may belong to ESC or
another task. The Exception 7 on WAIT allows software to test for an error pending WAIT
from a previous processor extension operation.
The HLT instruction stops program execution and
prevents the CPU from using the local bus until restarted.
Either NMI, INTR with IF e 1, or RESET will
force the M80C286 out of halt. If interrupted, the
saved CS:IP will point to the next instruction after
the HLT.
The M80C286 executes a fully upward-compatible
superset of the M8086 instruction set in real address
mode. In real address mode the M80C286 is object
code compatible with M8086 and M8088 software.
The real address mode architecture (registers and
addressing modes) is exactly as described in the
M80C286 Base Architecture section of this Functional
Memory Size
Physical memory is a contiguous array of up to
1,048,576 bytes (one megabyte) addressed by pins
A0 through A19 and BHE. A20 through A23 should be
Memory Addressing
In real address mode physical memory is a contiguous
array of up to 1,048,576 bytes (one megabyte)
addressed by pins A0 through A19 and BHE. Address
bits A20±A23 may not always be zero in real
mode. A20±A23 should not be used by the system
while the M80C286 is operating in Real Mode.
The selector portion of a pointer is interpreted as the
upper 16 bits of a 20-bit segment address. The lower
four bits of the 20-bit segment address are always
zero. Segment addresses, therefore, begin on multiples
of 16 bytes. See Figure 7 for a graphic representation
of address information.
All segments in real address mode are 64K bytes in
size and may be read, written, or executed. An exception
or interrupt can occur if data operands or
instructions attempt to wrap around the end of a
segment (e.g. a word with its low order byte at offset
FFFF(H) and its high order byte at offset 0000(H). If,
in real address mode, the information contained in a
segment does not use the full 64K bytes, the unused
end of the segment may be overlayed by another
segment to reduce physical memory requirements.
Reserved Memory Locations
The M80C286 reserves two fixed areas of memory
in real address mode (see Figure 8); system initialization
area and interrupt table area. Locations from
addresses FFFF0(H) through FFFFF(H) are reserved
for system initialization. Initial execution begins
at location FFFF0(H). Locations 00000(H)
through 003FF(H) are reserved for interrupt vectors.
Figure 7. M8086 Real Address Mode
Address Calculation
Figure 8. M8086 Real Address Mode Initially
Reserved Memory Locations
Table 9. Real Address Mode Addressing Interrupts
Interrupt Related Return Address
Number Instructions Before Instruction?
Interrupt table limit too small exception 8 INT vector is not within table limit Yes
Processor extension segment overrun 9 ESC with memory operand extend- No
interrupt ing beyond offset FFFF(H)
Segment overrun exception 13 Word memory reference with offset Yes
e FFFF(H) or an attempt to execute
past the end of a segment
Table 9 shows the interrupt vectors reserved for exceptions
and interrupts which indicate an addressing
error. The exceptions leave the CPU in the state existing
before attempting to execute the failing instruction
(except for PUSH, POP, PUSHA, or POPA).
Refer to the next section on protected mode initialization
for a discussion on exception 8.
Protected Mode Initialization
To prepare the M80C286 for protected mode, the
LIDT instruction is used to load the 24-bit interrupt
table base and 16-bit limit for the protected mode
interrupt table. This instruction can also set a base
and limit for the interrupt vector table in real address
mode. After reset, the interrupt table base is initialized
to 000000(H) and its size set to 03FF(H). These
values are compatible with M8086, 88 software.
LIDT should only be executed in preparation for protected
Shutdown occurs when a severe error is detected
that prevents further instruction processing by the
CPU. Shutdown and halt are externally signalled via
a halt bus operation. They can be distinguished by
A1 HIGH for halt and A1 LOW for shutdown. In real
address mode, shutdown can occur under two conditions:
# Exceptions 8 or 13 happen and the IDT limit does
not include the interrupt vector.
# A CALL INT or PUSH instruction attempts to wrap
around the stack segment when SP is not even.
An NMI input can bring the CPU out of shutdown if
the IDT limit is at least 000F(H) and SP is greater
than 0005(H), otherwise shutdown can only be exited
via the RESET input.
The M80C286 executes a fully upward-compatible
superset of the M8086 instruction set in protected
virtual address mode (protected mode). Protected
mode also provides memory management and protection
mechanisms and associated instructions.
The M80C286 enters protected virtual address
mode from real address mode by setting the PE
(Protection Enable) bit of the machine status word
with the Load Machine Status Word (LMSW) instruction.
Protected mode offers extended physical and
virtual memory address space, memory protection
mechanisms, and new operations to support operating
systems and virtual memory.
All registers, instructions, and addressing modes described
in the M80C286 Base Architecture section
of this Functional Description remain the same. Programs
for the M8086, 88, 186, and real address
mode M80C286 can be run in protected mode; however,
embedded constants for segment selectors
are different.
Memory Size
The protected mode M80C286 provides a 1 gigabyte
virtual address space per task mapped into a 16
megabyte physical address space defined by the address
pin A23±A0 and BHE. The virtual address
space may be larger than the physical address
space since any use of an address that does not
map to a physical memory location will cause a restartable
Memory Addressing
As in real address mode, protected mode uses 32-
bit pointers, consisting of 16-bit selector and offset
components. The selector, however, specifies an index
into a memory resident table rather than the upper
16-bits of a real memory address. The 24-bit
base address of the desired segment is obtained
from the tables in memory. The 16-bit offset is added
to the segment base address to form the physical
address as shown in Figure 10. The tables are automatically
referenced by the CPU whenever a segment
register is loaded with a selector. All M80C286
instructions which load a segment register will reference
the memory based tables without additional
software. The memory based tables contain 8 byte
values called descriptors.
Figure 9. Protected Mode Memory Addressing
Descriptors define the use of memory. Special types
of descriptors also define new functions for transfer
of control and task switching. The M80C286 has
segment descriptors for code, stack and data segments,
and system control descriptors for special
system data segments and control transfer operations,
see Figure 10. Descriptor accesses are performed
as locked bus operations to assure descriptor
integrity in multi-processor systems.
(S e 1)
Besides segment base addresses, code and data
descriptors contain other segment attributes including
segment size (1 to 64K bytes), access rights
(read only, read/write, execute only, and execute/
read), and presence in memory (for virtual memory
systems) (See Figure 11). Any segment usage violating
a segment attribute indicated by the segment
descriptor will prevent the memory cycle and cause
an exception or interrupt.
*Must be set to 0 for compatibility with 80386.
Figure 10. Code or Data Segment Descriptor
Access Rights Byte Definition
Name Function
7 Present (P) P e 1 Segment is mapped into physical memory.
P e 0 No mapping to physical memory exits, base and limit are
not used.
6±5 Descriptor Privilege Segment privilege attribute used in privilege tests.
Level (DPL)
4 Segment Descrip- S e 1 Code or Data (includes stacks) segment descriptor
tor (S) S e 0 System Segment Descriptor or Gate Descriptor
3 Executable (E) E e 0 Data segment descriptor type is: If
2 Expansion Direc- ED e 0 Expand up segment, offsets must be s limit. Data
tion (ED) ED e 1 Expand down segment, offsets must be l limit. Segment
1 Writeable (W) W e 0 Data segment may not be written into. (S e 1,
W e 1 Data segment may be written into. * E e 0)
3 Executable (E) E e 1 Code Segment Descriptor type is: If
2 Conforming (C) C e 1 Code segment may only be executed Code
when CPL tDPL and CPL Segment
remains unchanged.
1 Readable (R) R e0 Code segment may not be read (S e 1,
R e 1 Code segment may be read. * E e 1)
0 Accessed (A) A e 0 Segment has not been accessed.
A e 1 Segment selector has been loaded into segment register
or used by selector test instructions.
Figure 11. Code and Data Segment Descriptor Formats
Code and data (including stack data) are stored in
two types of segments: code segments and data
segments. Both types are identified and defined by
segment descriptors (S e 1). Code segments are
identified by the executable (E) bit set to 1 in the
descriptor access rights byte. The access rights byte
of both code and data segment descriptor types
have three fields in common: present (P) bit, Descriptor
Privilege Level (DPL), and accessed (A) bit.
If P e 0, any attempted use of this segment will
cause a not-present exception. DPL specifies the
privilege level of the segment descriptor. DPL controls
when the descriptor may be used by a task
(refer to privilege discussion below). The A bit shows
whether the segment has been previously accessed
for usage profiling, a necessity for virtual memory
systems. The CPU will always set this bit when accessing
the descriptor.
Data segments (S e 1, E e 0) may be either readonly
or read-write as controlled by the W bit of the
access rights byte. Read-only (W e 0) data segments
may not be written into. Data segments may
grow in two directions, as determined by the Expansion
Direction (ED) bit: upwards (ED e 0) for data
segments, and downwards (ED e 1) for a segment
containing a stack. The limit field for a data segment
descriptor is interpreted differently depending on the
ED bit (see Figure 11).
A code segment (S e 1, E e 1) may be executeonly
or execute/read as determined by the Readable
(R) bit. Code segments may never be written
into and execute-only code segments (R e 0) may
not be read. A code segment may also have an attribute
called conforming (C). A conforming code segment
may be shared by programs that execute at
different privilege levels. The DPL of a conforming
code segment defines the range of privilege levels
at which the segment may be executed (refer to privilege
discussion below). The limit field identifies the
last byte of a code segment.
TYPE e 1±3)
In addition to code and data segment descriptors,
the protected mode M80C286 defines System Segment
Descriptors. These descriptors define special
system data segments which contain a table of descriptors
(Local Descriptor Table Descriptor) or segments
which contain the execution state of a task
(Task State Segment Descriptor).
Figure 12 gives the formats for the special system
data segment descriptors. The descriptors contain a
24-bit base address of the segment and a 16-bit limit.
The access byte defines the type of descriptor, its
state and privilege level. The descriptor contents are
valid and the segment is in physical memory if P e1.
If P e 0, the segment is not valid. The DPL field is
only used in Task State Segment descriptors and
indicates the privilege level at which the descriptor
may be used (see Privilege). Since the Local Descriptor
Table descriptor may only be used by a special
privileged instruction, the DPL field is not used.
Bit 4 of the access byte is 0 to indicate that it is a
system control descriptor. The type field specifies
the descriptor type as indicated in Figure 12.
System Segment Descriptor
*Must be set to 0 for compatibility with 80386.
System Segment Descriptor Fields
Name Value Description
TYPE 1 Available Task State Segment (TSS)
2 Local Descriptor Table
3 Busy Task State Segment (TSS)
P 0 Descriptor contents are not valid
1 Descriptor contents are valid
DPL 0±3 Descriptor Privilege Level
BASE 24-bit Base Address of special system data
number segment in real memory
LIMIT 16-bit Offset of last byte in segment
Figure 12. System Segment Descriptor Format
Gates are used to control access to entry points
within the target code segment. The gate descriptors
are call gates, task gates, interrupt gates and
trap gates. Gates provide a level of indirection between
the source and destination of the control
transfer. This indirection allows the CPU to automatically
perform protection checks and control entry
point of the destination. Call gates are used to
change privilege levels (see Privilege), task gates
are used to perform a task switch, and interrupt and
trap gates are used to specify interrupt service routines.
The interrupt gate disables interrupts (resets
IF) while the trap gate does not.
Figure 13 shows the format of the gate descriptors.
The descriptor contains a destination pointer that
points to the descriptor of the target segment and
the entry point offset. The destination selector in an
interrupt gate, trap gate, and call gate must refer to a
code segment descriptor. These gate descriptors
contain the entry point to prevent a program from
constructing and using an illegal entry point. Task
gates may only refer to a task state segment. Since
task gates invoke a task switch, the destination offset
is not used in the task gate.
Gate Descriptor
*Must be set to 0 for compatibility with 80386 (X is don't care)
Gate Descriptor Fields
Name Value Description
4 ±Call Gate
5 ±Task Gate
6 ±Interrupt Gate
7 ±Trap Gate
P 0 ±Descriptor Contents are not
1 ±Descriptor Contents are
DPL 0±3 Descriptor Privilege Level
WORD Number of words to copy
from callers stack to called
procedures stack. Only used
with call gate.
Selector to the target code
segment (Call, Interrupt or
SELECTOR selector
Trap Gate)
Selector to the target task
state segment (Task Gate)
DESTINATION 16-bit Entry point within the target
OFFSET offset code segment
Figure 13. Gate Descriptor Format
Exception 13 is generated when the gate is used if a
destination selector does not refer to the correct descriptor
type. The word count field is used in the call
gate descriptor to indicate the number of parameters
(0±31 words) to be automatically copied from the
caller's stack to the stack of the called routine when
a control transfer changes privilege levels. The word
count field is not used by any other gate descriptor.
The access byte format is the same for all gate descriptors.
P e 1 indicates that the gate contents are
valid. P e 0 indicates the contents are not valid and
causes exception 11 if referenced. DPL is the descriptor
privilege level and specifies when this descriptor
may be used by a task (refer to privilege
discussion below). Bit 4 must equal 0 to indicate a
system control descriptor. The TYPE field specifies
the descriptor type as indicated in Figure 13.
A segment descriptor cache register is assigned to
each of the four segment registers (CS, SS, DS, ES).
Segment descriptors are automatically loaded
(cached) into a segment descriptor cache register
(Figure 14) whenever the associated segment register
is loaded with a selector. Only segment descriptors
may be loaded into segment descriptor cache
registers. Once loaded, all references to that segment
of memory use the cached descriptor information
instead of reaccessing the descriptor. The descriptor
cache registers are not visible to programs.
No instructions exist to store their contents. They
only change when a segment register is loaded.
A protected mode selector has three fields: descriptor
entry index, local or global descriptor table indicator
(TI), and selector privilege (RPL) as shown in
Figure 15. These fields select one of two memory
based tables of descriptors, select the appropriate
table entry and allow highspeed testing of the selector's
privilege attribute (refer to privilege discussion
Figure 15. Selector Fields
Figure 14. Descriptor Cache Registers
Two tables of descriptors, called descriptor tables,
contain all descriptors accessible by a task at any
given time. A descriptor table is a linear array of up
to 8192 descriptors. The upper 13 bits of the selector
value are an index into a descriptor table. Each
table has a 24-bit base register to locate the descriptor
table in physical memory and a 16-bit limit register
that confine descriptor access to the defined limits
of the table as shown in Figure 16. A restartable
exception (13) will occur if an attempt is made to
reference a descriptor outside the table limits.
One table, called the Global Descriptor table (GDT),
contains descriptors available to all tasks. The other
table, called the Local Descriptor Table (LDT), contains
descriptors that can be private to a task. Each
task may have its own private LDT. The GDT may
contain all descriptor types except interrupt and trap
descriptors. The LDT may contain only segment,
task gate, and call gate descriptors. A segment cannot
be accessed by a task if its segment descriptor
does not exist in either descriptor table at the time of
Figure 16. Local and Global
Descriptor Table Definition
The LGDT and LLDT instructions load the base and
limit of the global and local descriptor tables. LGDT
and LLDT are privileged, i.e. they may only be executed
by trusted programs operating at level 0. The
LGDT instruction loads a six byte field containing the
16-bit table limit and 24-bit physical base address of
the Global Descriptor Table as shown in Figure 17.
The LDT instruction loads a selector which refers to
a Local Descriptor Table descriptor containing the
base address and limit for an LDT, as shown in Figure
*Must be set to 0 for compatibility with 80386.
Figure 17. Global Descriptor Table and
Interrupt Descriptor Table Data Type
The protected mode M80C286 has a third descriptor
table, called the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)
(see Figure 18), used to define up to 256 interrupts.
It may contain only task gates, interrupt gates and
trap gates. The IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) has
a 24-bit physical base and 16-bit limit register in the
CPU. The privileged LIDT instruction loads these
registers with a six byte value of identical form to
that of the LGDT instruction (see Figure 17 and Protected
Mode Initialization).
Figure 18. Interrupt Descriptor Table Definition
References to IDT entries are made via INT instructions,
external interrupt vectors, or exceptions. The
IDT must be at least 256 bytes in size to allocate
space for all reserved interrupts.
The M80C286 has a four-level hierarchical privilege
system which controls the use of privileged instructions
and access to descriptors (and their associated
segments) within a task. Four-level privilege, as
shown in Figure 19, is an extension of the user/supervisor
mode commonly found in minicomputers.
The privilege levels are numbered 0 through 3.
Figure 19. Privilege Levels
Level 0 is the most privileged level. Privilege levels
provide protection within a task. (Tasks are isolated
by providing private LDT's for each task.) Operating
system routines, interrupt handlers, and other system
software can be included and protected within
the virtual address space of each task using the four
levels of privilege. Each task in the system has a
separate stack for each of its privilege levels.
Tasks, descriptors, and selectors have a privilege
level attribute that determines whether the descriptor
may be used. Task privilege effects the use of
instructions and descriptors. Descriptor and selector
privilege only effect access to the descriptor.
A task always executes at one of the four privilege
levels. The task privilege level at any specific instant
is called the Current Privilege Level (CPL) and is defined
by the lower two bits of the CS register. CPL
cannot change during execution in a single code
segment. A task's CPL may only be changed by control
transfers through gate descriptors to a new code
segment (See Control Transfer). Tasks begin executing
at the CPL value specified by the code segment
selector within TSS when the task is initiated
via a task switch operation (See Figure 20). A task
executing at Level 0 can access all data segments
defined in the GDT and the task's LDT and is considered
the most trusted level. A task executing a
Level 3 has the most restricted access to data and is
considered the least trusted level.
Descriptor privilege is specified by the Descriptor
Privilege Level (DPL) field of the descriptor access
byte. DPL specifies the least trusted task privilege
level (CPL) at which a task may access the descriptor.
Descriptors with DPL e 0 are the most protected.
Only tasks executing at privilege level 0
(CPL e 0) may access them. Descriptors with DPL
e 3 are the least protected (i.e. have the least restricted
access) since tasks can access them when
CPL e 0, 1, 2, or 3. This rule applies to all descriptors,
except LDT descriptors.
Selector privilege is specified by the Requested Privilege
Level (RPL) field in the least significant two bits
of a selector. Selector RPL may establish a less
trusted privilege level than the current privilege level
for the use of a selector. This level is called the
task's effective privilege level (EPL). RPL can only
reduce the scope of a task's access to data with this
selector. A task's effective privilege is the numeric
maximum of RPL and CPL. A selector with RPL e 0
imposes no additional restriction on its use while a
selector with RPL e 3 can only refer to segments at
privilege Level 3 regardless of the task's CPL. RPL
is generally used to verify that pointer parameters
passed to a more trusted procedure are not allowed
to use data at a more privileged level than the caller
(refer to pointer testing instructions).
Descriptor Access and Privilege
Determining the ability of a task to access a segment
involves the type of segment to be accessed,
the instruction used, the type of descriptor used and
CPL, RPL, and DPL. The two basic types of segment
accesses are control transfer (selectors loaded into
CS) and data (selectors loaded into DS, ES or SS).
Instructions that load selectors into DS and ES must
refer to a data segment descriptor or readable code
segment descriptor. The CPL of the task and the
RPL of the selector must be the same as or more
privileged (numerically equal to or lower than) than
the descriptor DPL. In general, a task can only access
data segments at the same or less privileged
levels than the CPL or RPL (whichever is numerically
higher) to prevent a program from accessing data it
cannot be trusted to use.
An exception to the rule is a readable conforming
code segment. This type of code segment can be
read from any privilege level.
If the privilege checks fail (e.g. DPL is numerically
less than the maximum of CPL and RPL) or an incorrect
type of descriptor is referenced (e.g. gate de-
scriptor or execute only code segment) exception 13
occurs. If the segment is not present, exception 11
is generated.
Instructions that load selectors into SS must refer to
data segment descriptors for writable data segments.
The descriptor privilege (DPL) and RPL must
equal CPL. All other descriptor types or a privilege
level violation will cause exception 13. A not present
fault causes exception 12.
Four types of control transfer can occur when a selector
is loaded into CS by a control transfer operation
(see Table 10). Each transfer type can only occur
if the operation which loaded the selector references
the correct descriptor type. Any violation of
these descriptor usage rules (e.g. JMP through a call
gate or RET to a Task State Segment) will cause
exception 13.
The ability to reference a descriptor for control transfer
is also subject to rules of privilege. A CALL or
JUMP instruction may only reference a code segment
descriptor with DPL equal to the task CPL or a
conforming segment with DPL of equal or greater
privilege than CPL. The RPL of the selector used to
reference the code descriptor must have as much
privilege as CPL.
RET and IRET instructions may only reference code
segment descriptors with descriptor privilege equal
to or less privileged than the task CPL. The selector
loaded into CS is the return address from the stack.
After the return, the selector RPL is the task's new
CPL. If CPL changes, the old stack pointer is popped
after the return address.
When a JMP or CALL references a Task State Segment
descriptor, the descriptor DPL must be the
same or less privileged than the task's CPL. Reference
to a valid Task State Segment descriptor causes
a task switch (see Task Switch Operation). Reference
to a Task State Segment descriptor at a more
privileged level than the task's CPL generates exception
When an instruction or interrupt references a gate
descriptor, the gate DPL must have the same or less
privilege than the task CPL. If DPL is at a more privileged
level than CPL, exeception 13 occurs. If the
destination selector contained in the gate references
a code segment descriptor, the code segment
descriptor DPL must be the same or more privileged
than the task CPL. If not, Exception 13 is issued.
After the control transfer, the code segment
descriptors DPL is the task's new CPL. If the destination
selector in the gate references a task state
segment, a task switch is automatically performed
(see Task Switch Operation).
The privilege rules on control transfer require:
Ð JMP or CALL direct to a code segment (code
segment descriptor) can only be to a conforming
segment with DPL of equal or greater privilege
than CPL or a non-conforming segment at the
same privilege level.
Ð interrupts within the task or calls that may
change privilege levels, can only transfer control
through a gate at the same or a less privileged
level than CPL to a code segment at the same or
more privileged level than CPL.
Ð return instructions that don't switch tasks can
only return control to a code segment at the
same or less privileged level.
Ð task switch can be performed by a call, jump or
interrupt which references either a task gate or
task state segment at the same or less privileged
Table 10. Descriptor Types Used for Control Transfer
Control Transfer Types Operation Types
Descriptor Descriptor
Referenced Table
Intersegment within the same privilege level JMP, CALL, RET, IRET* Code Segment GDT/LDT
Intersegment to the same or higher privilege level Interrupt CALL Call Gate GDT/LDT
within task may change CPL. Interrupt Instruction, Trap or IDT
Exception, External Interrupt
Interrupt Gate
Intersegment to a lower privilege level (changes task CPL) RET, IRET* Code Segment GDT/LDT
CALL, JMP Task State GDT
Task Switch
Interrupt Instruction,
Task Gate IDT
Exception, External
*NT (Nested Task bit of flag word) e 0
**NT (Nested Task bit of flag word) e 1
Any control transfer that changes CPL within the
task, causes a change of stacks as part of the operation.
Initial values of SS:SP for privilege levels 0, 1,
and 2 are kept in the task state segment (refer to
Task Switch Operation). During a JMP or CALL control
transfer, the new stack pointer is loaded into the
SS and SP registers and the previous stack pointer
is pushed onto the new stack.
When returning to the original privilege level, its
stack is restored as part of the RET or IRET instruction
operation. For subroutine calls that pass parameters
on the stack and cross privilege levels, a fixed
number of words, as specified in the gate, are copied
from the previous stack to the current stack. The
inter-segment RET instruction with a stack adjustment
value will correctly restore the previous stack
pointer upon return.
The M80C286 includes mechanisms to protect critical
instructions that affect the CPU execution state
(e.g. HLT) and code or data segments from improper
usage. These protection mechanisms are grouped
into three forms:
Restricted usage of segments (e.g. no write allowed
to read-only data segments). The only segments
available for use are defined by descriptors
in the Local Descriptor Table (LDT) and
Global Descriptor Table (GDT).
Restricted access to segments via the rules of
privilege and descriptor usage.
Privileged instructions or operations that may
only be executed at certain privilege levels as determined
by the CPL and I/O Privilege Level
(IOPL). The IOPL is defined by bits 14 and 13 of
the flag word.
These checks are performed for all instructions and
can be split into three categories: segment load
checks (Table 11), operand reference checks (Table
12), and privileged instruction checks (Table 13).
Any violation of the rules shown will result in an exception.
A not-present exception related to the stack
segment causes exception 12.
The IRET and POPF instructions do not perform
some of their defined functions if CPL is not of sufficient
privilege (numerically small enough). Precisely
these are:
# The IF bit is not changed if CPL l IOPL.
# The IOPL field of the flag word is not changed if
CPL l 0.
No exceptions or other indication are given when
these conditions occur.
Table 11. Segment Register Load Checks
Error Description
Descriptor table limit exceeded 13
Segment descriptor not-present 11 or 12
Privilege rules violated 13
Invalid descriptor/segment type segment
register load:
ÐRead only data segment load to
ÐSpecial Control descriptor load to
DS, ES, SS 13
ÐExecute only segment load to
ÐData segment load to CS
ÐRead/Execute code segment
load to SS
Table 12. Operand Reference Checks
Error Description
Write into code segment 13
Read from execute-only code
segment 13
Write to read-only data segment 13
Segment limit exceeded1 12 or 13
Carry out in offset calculations is ignored.
Table 13. Privileged Instruction Checks
Error Description
CPL i 0 when executing the following
CPL l IOPL when executing the following
The M80C286 detects several types of exceptions
and interrupts, in protected mode (see Table 14).
Most are restartable after the exceptional condition
is removed. Interrupt handlers for most exceptions
can read an error code, pushed on the stack after
the return address, that identifies the selector involved
(0 if none). The return address normally
points to the failing instruction, including all leading
prefixes. For a processor extension segment overrun
exception, the return address will not point at the
ESC instruction that caused the exception; however,
the processor extension registers may contain the
address of the failing instruction.
Table 14. Protected Mode Exceptions
Always Error
Restart- Code
Vector At Falling
able? on Stack?
8 Double exception detected Yes No2 Yes
9 Processor extension segment overrun No No2 No
10 Invalid task state segment Yes Yes Yes
11 Segment not present Yes Yes Yes
12 Stack segment overrun or stack segment not present Yes Yes1 Yes
13 General protection Yes No2 Yes
1. When a PUSHA or POPA instruction attempts to wrap around the stack segment, the machine state after the exception
will not be restartable because stack segment wrap around is not permitted. This condition is identified by the value of the
saved SP being either 0000(H), 0001(H), FFFE(H), or FFFF(H).
2. These exceptions indicate a violation to privilege rules or usage rules has occurred. Restart is generally not attempted
under those conditions.
These exceptions indicate a violation to privilege
rules or usage rules has occurred. Restart is generally
not attempted under those conditions.
All these checks are performed for all instructions
and can be split into three categories: segment load
checks (Table 11), operand reference checks (Table
12), and privileged instruction checks (Table 13).
Any violation of the rules shown will result in an exception.
A not-present exception causes exception
11 or 12 and is restartable.
Special Operations
The M80C286 provides a built-in task switch operation
which saves the entire M80C286 execution
state (registers, address space, and a link to the previous
task), loads a new execution state, and commences
execution in the new task. Like gates, the
task switch operation is invoked by executing an inter-
segment JMP or CALL instruction which refers to
a Task State Segment (TSS) or task gate descriptor
in the GDT or LDT. An INT n instruction, exception,
or external interrupt may also invoke the task switch
operation by selecting a task gate descriptor in the
associated IDT descriptor entry.
The TSS descriptor points at a segment (see Figure
20) containing the entire M80C286 execution state
while a task gate descriptor contains a TSS selector.
The limit field of the descriptor must be l002B(H).
Each task must have a TSS associated with it. The
current TSS is identified by a special register in the
M80C286 called the Task Register (TR). This register
contains a selector referring to the task state
segment descriptor that defines the current TSS. A
hidden base and limit register associated with TR
are loaded whenever TR is loaded with a new selector.
The IRET instruction is used to return control to the
task that called the current task or was interrupted.
Bit 14 in the flag register is called the Nested Task
(NT) bit. It controls the function of the IRET instruction.
If NT e 0, the IRET instruction performs the
regular current task by popping values off the stack;
when NT e 1, IRET performs a task switch operation
back to the previous task.
When a CALL, JMP, or INT instruction initiates a
task switch, the old (except for case of JMP) and
new TSS will be marked busy and the back link field
of the new TSS set to the old TSS selector. The NT
bit of the new task is set by CALL or INT initiated
task switches. An interrupt that does not cause a
task switch will clear NT. NT may also be set or
cleared by POPF or IRET instructions.
The task state segment is marked busy by changing
the descriptor type field from Type 1 to Type 3. Use
of a selector that references a busy task state segment
causes Exception 13.
The context of a processor extension (such as the
M80C287 numerics processor) is not changed by
the task switch operation. A processor extension
context need only be changed when a different task
attempts to use the processor extension (which still
contains the context of a previous task). The
M80C286 detects the first use of a processor extension
after a task switch by causing the processor
extension not present exception (7). The interrupt
handler may then decide whether a context change
is necessary.
Whenever the M80C286 switches tasks, it sets the
Task Switched (TS) bit of the MSW. TS indicates
that a processor extension context may belong to a
different task than the current one. The processor
extension not present exception (7) will occur when
attempting to execute an ESC or WAIT instruction if
TSe1 and a processor extension is present (MPe1
in MSW).
The M80C286 provides several instructions to
speed pointer testing and consistency checks for
maintaining system integrity (see Table 15). These
instructions use the memory management hardware
to verify that a selector value refers to an appropriate
segment without risking an exception. A condition
flag (ZF) indicates whether use of the selector
or segment will cause an exception.
Figure 20. Task State Segment and TSS Registers
Table 15. M80C286 Pointer Test Instructions
Instruction Operands Function
ARPL Selector, Adjust Requested Privilege
Register Level: adjusts the RPL of
the selector to the numeric
maximum of current selector
RPL value and the RPL
value in the register. Set
zero flag if selector RPL
was changed by ARPL.
VERR Selector VERify for Read: sets the
zero flag if the segment referred
to by the selector
can be read.
VERW Selector VERify for Write: sets the
zero flag if the segment referred
to by the selector
can be written.
LSL Register, Load Segment Limit: reads
Selector the segment limit into the
register if privilege rules
and descriptor type allow.
Set zero flag if successful.
LAR Register, Load Access Rights: reads
Selector the descriptor access
rights byte into the register
if privilege rules allow. Set
zero flag if successful.
If two separate exceptions are detected during a single
instruction execution, the M80C286 performs the
double fault exception (8). If an execution occurs
during processing of the double fault exception, the
M80C286 will enter shutdown. During shutdown no
further instructions or exceptions are processed. Either
NMI (CPU remains in protected mode) or RESET
(CPU exits protected mode) can force the
M80C286 out of shutdown. Shutdown is externally
signalled via a HALT bus operation with A1 LOW.
The M80C286 initially executes in real address
mode after RESET. To allow initialization code to be
placed at the top of physical memory, A23±A20 will
be HIGH when the M80C286 performs memory references
relative to the CS register until CS is
changed. A23±A20 will be zero for references to the
DS, ES, or SS segments. Changing CS in real address
mode will force A23±A20 LOW whenever CS is
used again. The initial CS:IP value of F000:FFF0
provides 64K bytes of code space for initialization
code without changing CS.
Protected mode operation requires several registers
to be initialized. The GDT and IDT base registers
must refer to a valid GDT and IDT. After executing
the LMSW instruction to set PE, the M80C286 must
immediately execute an intra-segment JMP instruction
to clear the instruction queue of instructions decoded
in real address mode.
To force the M80C286 CPU registers to match the
initial protected mode state assumed by software,
execute a JMP instruction with a selector referring to
the initial TSS used in the system. This will load the
task register, local descriptor table register, segment
registers and initial general register state. The TR
should point at a valid TSS since any task switch
operation involves saving the current task state.
The M80C286 system interface appears in two
forms: a local bus and a system bus. The local bus
consists of address, data, status, and control signals
at the pins of the CPU. A system bus is any buffered
version of the local bus. A system bus may also differ
from the local bus in terms of coding of status
and control lines and/or timing and loading of signals.
The M80C286 family includes several devices
to generate standard system buses such as the
IEEE 796 standard MULTIBUS.
Bus Interface Signals and Timing
The M80C286 microsystem local bus interfaces the
M80C286 to local memory and I/O components.
The interface has 24 address lines, 16 data lines,
and 8 status and control signals.
The M80C286 CPU, M82C284 clock generator,
M82C288 bus controller, transceivers, and latches
provide a buffered and decoded system bus interface.
The M82C284 generates the system clock and
synchronizes READY and RESET. The M82C288
converts bus operation status encoded by the
M80C286 into command and bus control signals.
These components can provide the timing and electrical
power drive levels required for most system
bus interfaces including the Multibus.
Physical Memory and I/O Interface
A maximum of 16 megabytes of physical memory
can be addressed in protected mode. One megabyte
can be addressed in real address mode. Memory
is accessible as bytes or words. Words consist of
any two consecutive bytes addressed with the least
significant byte stored in the lowest address.
Byte transfers occur on either half of the 16-bit local
data bus. Even bytes are accessed over D7±D0
while odd bytes are transferred over D15±D8. Evenaddressed
words are transferred over D15±D0 in
one bus cycle, while odd-addressed word require
two bus operations. The first transfers data on
D15±D8, and the second transfers data on D7±D0.
Both byte data transfers occur automatically, transparent
to software.
Two bus signals, A0 and BHE, control transfers over
the lower and upper halves of the data bus. Even
address byte transfers are indicated by A0 LOW and
BHE HIGH. Odd address byte transfers are indicated
by A0 HIGH and BHE LOW. Both A0 and BHE are
LOW for even address word transfers.
The I/O address space contains 64K addresses in
both modes. The I/O space is accessible as either
bytes or words, as is memory. Byte wide peripheral
devices may be attached to either the upper or lower
byte of the data bus. Byte-wide I/O devices attached
to the upper data byte (D15±D8) are accessed with
odd I/O addresses. Devices on the lower data byte
are accessed with even I/O addresses. An interrupt
controller such as Intel's 82C59A-2 must be connected
to the lower data byte (D7±D0) for proper
return of the interrupt vector.
Bus Operation
The M80C286 uses a double frequency system
clock (CLK input) to control bus timing. All signals on
the local bus are measured relative to the system
CLK input. The CPU divides the system clock by 2 to
produce the internal processor clock, which determines
bus state. Each processor clock is composed
of two system clock cycles named phase 1 and
phase 2. The M82C284 clock generator output
(PCLK) identifies the next phase of the processor
clock. (See Figure 21.)
Figure 21. System and Processor
Clock Relationships
Six types of bus operations are supported; memory
read, memory write, I/O read, I/O write, interrupt acknowledge,
and halt/shutdown. Data can be transferred
at a maximum rate of one word per two processor
clock cycles.
The M80C286 bus has three basic states: idle (Ti),
send status (Ts), and perform command (Tc). The
M80C286 CPU also has a fourth local bus state
called hold (Th). Th indicates that the M80C286 has
surrendered control of the local bus to another bus
master in response to a HOLD request.
Each bus state is one processor clock long. Figure
22 shows the four M80C286 local bus states and
allowed transitions.
Figure 22. M80C286 Bus States
Bus States
The idle (Ti) state indicates that no data transfers
are in progress or requested. The first active state
TS is signaled by status line S1 or S0 going LOW
and identifying phase 1 of the processor clock. During
TS, the command encoding, the address, and
data (for a write operation) are available on the
M80C286 output pins. The M82C288 bus controller
decodes the status signals and generates Multibus
compatible read/write command and local transceiver
control signals.
After TS, the perform command (TC) state is entered.
Memory or I/O devices respond to the bus
operation during TC, either transferring read data to
the CPU or accepting write data. TC states may be
repeated as often as necessary to assure sufficient
time for the memory or I/O device to respond. The
READY signal determines whether TC is repeated. A
repeated TC state is called a wait state.
During hold (Th), the M80C286 will float* all address,
data, and status output pins enabling another bus
master to use the local bus. The M80C286 HOLD
input signal is used to place the M80C286 into the
Th state. The M80C286 HLDA output signal indicates
that the CPU has entered Th.
Pipelined Addressing
The M80C286 uses a local bus interface with pipelined
timing to allow as much time as possible for
data access. Pipelined timing allows a new bus operation
to be initiated every two processor cycles,
while allowing each individual bus operation to last
for three processor cycles.
The timing of the address outputs is pipelined such
that the address of the next bus operation becomes
available during the current bus operation. Or in other
words, the first clock of the next bus operation is
overlapped with the last clock of the current bus operation.
Therefore, address decode and routing logic
can operate in advance of the next bus operation.
See section on bus hold circuitry.
Figure 23. Basic Bus Cycle
External address latches may hold the address stable
for the entire bus operation, and provide additional
AC and DC buffering.
The M80C286 does not maintain the address of the
current bus operation during all Tc states. Instead,
the address for the next bus operation may be emitted
during phase 2 of any Tc. The address remains
valid during phase 1 of the first Tc to guarantee hold
time, relative to ALE, for the address latch inputs.
Bus Control Signals
The M82C288 bus controller provides control signals;
address latch enable (ALE), Read/Write commands,
data transmit/receive (DT/R), and data enable
(DEN) that control the address latches, data
transceivers, write enable, and output enable for
memory and I/O systems.
The Address Latch Enable (ALE) output determines
when the address may be latched. ALE provides at
least one system CLK period of address hold time
from the end of the previous bus operation until the
address for the next bus operation appears at the
latch outputs. This address hold time is required to
support MULTIBUS and common memory systems.
The data bus transceivers are controlled by
M82C288 outputs Data Enable (DEN) and Data
Transmit/Receive (DT/R). DEN enables the data
transceivers; while DT/R controls tranceiver direction.
DEN and DT/R are timed to prevent bus contention
between the bus master, data bus transceivers,
and system data bus transceivers.
Command Timing Controls
Two system timing customization options, command
extension and command delay, are provided on the
M80C286 local bus.
Command extension allows additional time for external
devices to respond to a command and is analogous
to inserting wait states on the M8086. External
logic can control the duration of any bus operation
such that the operation is only as long as necessary.
The READY input signal can extend any bus operation
for as long as necessary, see Figure 23.
Command delay allows an increase of address or
write data setup time to system bus command active
for any bus operation by delaying when the system
bus command becomes active. Command delay is
controlled by the M82C288 CMDLY input. After TS,
the bus controller samples CMDLY at each failing
edge of CLK. If CMDLY is HIGH, the M82C288 will
not activate the command signal. When CMDLY is
LOW, the M82C288 will activate the command signal.
After the command becomes active, the CMDLY
input is not sampled.
When a command is delayed, the available response
time from command active to return read
data or accept write data is less. To customize system
bus timing, an address decoder can determine
which bus operations require delaying the command.
The CMDLY input does not affect the timing
of ALE, DEN, or DT/R.
Figure 24. CMDLY Controls the Leading Edge of Command Signal
Figure 24 illustrates four uses of CMDLY. Example 1
shows delaying the read command two system
CLKs for cycle N-1 and no delay for cycle N, and
example 2 shows delaying the read command one
system CLK for cycle N-1 and one system CLK delay
for cycle N.
Bus Cycle Termination
At maximum transfer rates, the M80C286 bus alternates
between the status and command states. The
bus status signals become inactive after Ts so that
they may correctly signal the start of the next bus
operation after the completion of the current cycle.
No external indication of Tc exists on the M80C286
local bus. The bus master and bus controller enter
Tc directly after Ts and continue executing Tc cycles
until terminated by READY.
READY Operation
The current bus master and M82C288 bus controller
terminate each bus operation simultaneously to
achieve maximum bus operation bandwidth. Both
are informed in advance by READY active (opencollector
output from M82C284) which identifies the
last TC cycle of the current bus operation. The bus
master and bus controller must see the same sense
of the READY signal, thereby requiring READY be
synchronous to the system clock.
Synchronous Ready
The M82C284 clock generator provides READY
synchronization from both synchronous and asynchronous
sources (see Figure 25). The synchronous
ready input (SRDY) of the clock generator is sampled
with the falling edge of CLK at the end of phase
1 of each Tc. The state of SRDY is then broadcast to
the bus master and bus controller via the READY
output line.
Asynchronous Ready
Many systems have devices or subsystems that are
asynchronous to the system clock. As a result, their
ready outputs cannot be guaranteed to meet the
M82C284 SRDY setup and hold time requirements.
But the M82C284 asynchronous ready input (ARDY)
is designed to accept such signals. The ARDY input
is sampled at the beginning of each TC cycle by
M82C284 synchronization logic. This provides one
system CLK cycle time to resolve its value before
broadcasting it to the bus master and bus controller.
NOTES: 271103±23
1. SRDYEN is active low.
2. If SRDYEN is high, the state of SRDY will no affect READY.
3. ARDYEN is active low.
Figure 25. Synchronous and Asynchronous Ready
ARDY or ARDYEN must be HIGH at the end of TS.
ARDY cannot be used to terminate bus cycle with no
wait states.
Each ready input of the M82C284 has an enable pin
(SRDYEN and ARDYEN) to select whether the current
bus operation will be terminated by the synchronous
or asynchronous ready. Either of the ready inputs
may terminate a bus operation. These enable
inputs are active low and have the same timing as
their respective ready inputs. Address decode logic
usually selects whether the current bus operation
should be terminated by ARDY or SRDY.
Data Bus Control
Figures 26, 27, and 28 show how the DT/R, DEN,
data bus, and address signals operate for different
combinations of read, write, and idle bus operations.
DT/R goes active (LOW) for a read operation. DT/R
remains HIGH before, during, and between write operations.
The data bus is driven with write data during the
second phase of Ts. The delay in write data timing
allows the read data drivers, from a previous read
cycle, sufficient time to enter 3-state OFF* before
the M80C286 CPU begins driving the local data bus
for write operations. Write data will always remain
valid for one system clock past the last Tc to provide
sufficient hold time for Multibus or other similar
memory or I/O systems. During write-read or writeidle
sequences the data bus enters 3-state OFF*
during the second phase of the processor cycle after
the last Tc. In a write-write sequence the data bus
does not enter 3-state OFF* between Tc and Ts.
Bus Usage
The M80C286 local bus may be used for several
functions: instruction data transfers, data transfers
by other bus masters, instruction fetching, processor
extension data transfers, interrupt acknowledge, and
halt/shutdown. This section describes local bus activities
which have special signals or requirements.
See section on bus hold circuitry.
Figure 26. Back to Back Read-Write Cycles
Figure 27. Back to Back Write-Read Cycles
Figure 28. Back to Back Write-Write Cycles
HOLD AND HLDA allow another bus master to gain
control of the local bus by placing the M80C286 bus
into the Th state. The sequence of events required
to pass control between the M80C286 and another
local bus master are shown in Figure 29.
In this example, the M80C286 is initially in the Th
state as signaled by HLDA being active. Upon leaving
Th, as signaled by HLDA going inactive, a write
operation is started. During the write operation another
local bus master requests the local bus from
the M80C286 as shown by the HOLD signal. After
completing the write operation, the M80C286 performs
one Ti bus cycle, to guarantee write data hold
time, then enters Th as signaled by HLDA going active.
The CMDLY signal and ARDY ready are used to
start and stop the write bus command, respectively.
Note that SRDY must be inactive or disabled by
SRDYEN to guarantee ARDY will terminate the cycle.
HOLD must not be active during the time from the
leading edge of RESET until 34 CLKs following the
trailing edge of RESET.
The CPU asserts an active lock signal during Interrupt-
Acknowledge cycles, the XCHG instruction, and
during some descriptor accesses. Lock is also asserted
when the LOCK prefix is used. The LOCK
prefix may be used with the following ASM-286 assembly
instructions; MOVS, INS, and OUTS. For bus
cycles other than Interrupt-Acknowledge cycles,
Lock will be active for the first and subsequent cycles
of a series of cycles to be locked. Lock will not
be shown active during the last cycle to be locked.
For the next-to-last cycle, Lock will become inactive
at the end of the first Tc regardless of the number of
wait-states inserted. For Interrupt-Acknowledge cycles,
Lock will be active for each cycle, and will become
inactive at the end of the first Tc for each cycle
regardless of the number of wait-states inserted.
Instruction Fetching
The M80C286 Bus Unit (BU) will fetch instructions
ahead of the current instruction being executed. This
activity is called prefetching. It occurs when the local
bus would otherwise be idle and obeys the following
A prefetch bus operation starts when at least two
bytes of the 6-byte prefetch queue are empty.
The prefetcher normally performs word prefetches
independent of the byte alignment of the code segment
base in physical memory.
The prefetcher will perform only a byte code fetch
operation for control transfers to an instruction beginning
on a numerically odd physical address.
Prefetching stops whenever a control transfer or
HLT instruction is decoded by the IU and placed into
the instruction queue.
In real address mode, the prefetcher may fetch up to
6 bytes beyond the last control transfer or HLT instruction
in a code segment.
In protected mode, the prefetcher will never cause a
segment overrun exception. The prefetcher stops at
the last physical memory word of the code segment.
Exception 13 will occur if the program attempts to
execute beyond the last full instruction in the code
If the last byte of a code segment appears on an
even physical memory address, the prefetcher will
read the next physical byte of memory (perform a
word code fetch). The value of this byte is ignored
and any attempt to execute it causes exception 13.
1. Status lines are not driven by M80C286, yet remain high due to internal pullup resistors during HOLD state. See
section on bus hold circuitry.
2. Address, M/IO and COD/INTA may start floating during any TC depending on when internal M80C286 bus arbiter
decides to release bus to external HOLD. The float starts in w2 of TC . See section on bus hold circuitry.
3. BHE and LOCK may start floating after the end of any TC depending on when internal M80C286 bus arbiter decides
to release bus to external HOLD. The float starts in w1 of TC . See section on bus hold circuitry.
4. The minimum HOLD to HLDA time is shown. Maximum is one TH longer.
5. The earliest HOLD time is shown. It will always allow a subsequent memory cycle if pending is shown.
6. The minimum HOLD to HLDA time is shown. Maximum is a function of the instruction, type of bus cycle and other
machine state (i.e., Interrupts, Waits, Lock, etc.).
7. Asynchronous ready allows termination of the cycle. Synchronous ready does not signal ready in this example. Synchronous
ready state is ignored after ready is signaled via the asynchronous input.
Figure 29. MULTIBUS Write Terminated by Asynchronous Ready with Bus Hold
Processor Extension Transfers
The processor extension interface uses I/O port addresses
00F8(H), 00FA(H), and 00FC(H) which are
part of the I/O port address range reserved by Intel.
An ESC instruction with Machine Status Word bits
EM e 0 and TS e 0 will perform I/O bus operations
to one or more of these I/O port addresses independent
of the value of IOPL and CPL.
ESC instructions with memory references enable the
CPU to accept PEREQ inputs for processor extension
operand transfers. The CPU will determine the
operand starting address and read/write status of
the instruction. For each operand transfer, two or
three bus operations are performed, one word transfer
with I/O port address 00FA(H) and one or two
bus operations with memory. Three bus operations
are required for each word operand aligned on an
odd byte address.
Odd-aligned numerics instructions should be avoided
when using an M80C286 system running six or
more memory-write wait-states. The M80C286 can
generate an incorrect numerics address if all the
following conditions are met:
Ð Two floating point (FP) instructions are fetched
and in the M80C286 queue.
Ð The first FP instruction is any floating point store
except FSTSW AX.
Ð The second FP instruction is any floating point
store except FSTSW AX.
Ð The second FP instruction accesses memory.
Ð The operand of the first instruction is aligned on
an odd memory address.
Ð More than five wait-states are inserted during either
of the last two memory write transfers
(transferred as two bytes for odd aligned operands)
of the first instruction.
The second FP instruction operand address will be
incremented by one if these conditions are met.
These conditions are most likely to occur in a multimaster
system. For a hardware solution, contact
your local Intel representative.
Ten or more command delays should not be used
when accessing the numerics coprocessor. Excessive
command delays can cause the M80C286 and
M80C287 to lose synchronization.
Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence
Figure 30 illustrates an interrupt acknowledge sequence
performed by the M80C286 in response to
an INTR input. An interrupt acknowledge sequence
consists of two INTA bus operations. The first allows
a master M8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller
(PIC) to determine which if any of its slaves
should return the interrupt vector. An eight bit vector
is read on D0±D7 of the M80C286 during the second
INTA bus operation to select an interrupt handler
routine from the interrupt table.
The Master Cascade Enable (MCE) signal of the
M82C288 is used to enable the cascade address
drivers, during INTA bus operations (See Figure 30),
onto the local address bus for distribution to slave
interrupt controllers via the system address bus. The
M80C286 emits the LOCK signal (active LOW) during
Ts of the first INTA bus operation. A local bus
``hold'' request will not be honored until the end of
the second INTA bus operation.
Three idle processor clocks are provided by the
M80C286 between INTA bus operations to allow for
the minimum INTA to INTA time and CAS (cascade
address) out delay of the M8259A. The second INTA
bus operation must always have at least one extra
Tc state added via logic controlling READY. This is
needed to meet the M8259A minimum INTA pulse
Local Bus Usage Priorities
The M80C286 local bus is shared among several
internal units and external HOLD requests. In case
of simultaneous requests, their relative priorities are:
(Highest) Any transfers which assert LOCK either
explicitly (via the LOCK instruction prefix)
or implicitly (i.e. some segment descriptor
accesses, interrupt acknowledge sequence,
or an XCHG with memory).
The second of the two byte bus operations
required for an odd aligned word operand.
The second or third cycle of a processor
extension data transfer.
Local bus request via HOLD input.
Processor extension data operand transfer
via PEREQ input.
Data transfer performed by EU as part of
an instruction.
(Lowest) An instruction prefetch request from BU.
The EU will inhibit prefetching two processor
clocks in advance of any data
transfers to minimize waiting by EU for a
prefetch to finish.
1. Data is ignored, upper data bus, D8±D15, should not change state during this time.
2. First INTA cycle should have at least one wait state inserted to meet M8259A minimum INTA pulse width.
3. Second INTA cycle should have at least one wait state inserted to meet M8259A minimum INTA pulse width.
4. LOCK is active for the first INTA cycle to prevent a bus arbiter from releasing the bus between INTA cycles in a multimaster
system. LOCK is also active for the second INTA cycle.
5. A23±A0 exits 3-state OFF during w2 of the second TC in the INTA cycle. See section on bus hold circuitry.
6. Upper data bus should not change state during this time.
Figure 30. Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence
Halt or Shutdown Cycles
The M80C286 externally indicates halt or shutdown
conditions as a bus operation. These conditions occur
due to a HLT instruction or multiple protection
exceptions while attempting to execute one instruction.
A halt or shutdown bus operation is signalled
when S1, S0 and COD/INTA are LOW and M/IO is
HIGH. A1 HIGH indicates halt, and A1 LOW indicates
shutdown. The 82288 bus controller does not
issue ALE, nor is READY required to terminate a halt
or shutdown bus operation.
During halt or shutdown, the M80C286 may service
PEREQ or HOLD requests. A processor extension
segment overrun exception during shutdown will inhibit
further service of PEREQ. Either NMI or RESET
will force the M80C286 out of either halt or shutdown.
An INTR, if interrupts are enabled, or a processor
extension segment overrun exception will also
force the M80C286 out of halt.
Figure 31. Example Power-Down Sequence
THE M80C286
The M80C286, unlike the HMOS part, can enter into
a power-down mode. By stopping the processor
CLK, the processor will enter a power-down mode.
Once in the power-down mode, all M80C286 outputs
remain static (the same state as before the mode
was entered). The M80C286 D.C. specification ICCS
rates the amount of current drawn by the processor
when in the power-down mode. When the CLK is
reapplied to the processor, it will resume execution
where it was interrupted.
In order to obtain maximum benefits from the powerdown
mode, certain precautions should be taken.
When in the power-down mode, all M80C286 outputs
remain static and any output that is turned on
and remains in a HIGH condition will source current
when loaded. Best low-power performance can be
obtained by first putting the processor in the HOLD
condition (turning off all of the output buffers), and
then stopping the processor CLK in the phase 2
state. In this condition, any output that is loaded will
source only the ``Bus Hold Sustaining Current''.
When stopping the processor clock, minimum clock
high and low times cannot be violated (no glitches
on the clock line).
Violating this condition can cause the M80C286 to
erase its internal register states. Note that all inputs
to the M80C286 (CLK, HOLD, PEREQ, RESET,
READY, INTR, NMI, BUSY, and ERROR) should be
at VCC or VSS; any other value will cause the
M80C286 to draw additional current.
When coming out of power-down mode, the system
CLK must be started with the same polarity in which
it was stopped. An example power down sequence
is shown in Figure 31.
To avoid high current conditions caused by floating
inputs to peripheral CMOS devices and eliminate the
need for pull-up/down resistors, ``bus-hold'' circuitry
has been used on all tri-state M80C286 outputs. See
Table 16 for a list of these pins and Figures 32 and
33 for a complete description of which pins have bus
hold circuitry. These circuits will maintain the last
valid logic state if no driving source is present (i.e.,
an unconnected pin or a driving source which goes
to a high impedance state). To overdrive the ``bus
hold'' circuits, an external driver must be capable of
supplying the maximum ``Bus Hold Overdrive'' sink
or source current at valid input voltage levels. Since
this ``bus hold'' circuitry is active and not a
Figure 32. Bus Hold Circuitry Pins 36±51, 66±67
``resistive'' type element, the associated power supply
current is negligible and power dissipation is significantly
reduced when compared to the use of passive
pull-up resistors.
Table 16. Bus Hold Circuitry on the M80C286
Pin Polarity Pulled to
Location when tri-stated
S1, S0, PEACK, LOCK 4±6, 68 Hi, See Figure 33
Data Bus (D0±D15) 36±51 Hi/Lo,
See Figure 32
COD/INTA, M/IO 66±67 Hi/Lo,
See Figure 32
Figure 33. Bus Hold Circuitry Pins 4±6, 68
The versatile bus structure of the M80C286 microsystem,
with a full complement of support chips, allows
flexible configuration of a wide range of systems.
The basic configuration, shown in Figure 34, is
similar to an M8086 maximum mode system. It includes
the CPU plus an M8259A interrupt controller,
M82C284 clock generator, and the M82C288 Bus
As indicated by the dashed lines in Figure 34, the
ability to add processor extensions is an integral feature
of M80C286 microsystems. The processor extension
interface allows external hardware to perform
special functions and transfer data concurrent
with CPU execution of other instructions. Full system
integrity is maintained because the M80C286 supervises
all data transfers and instruction execution for
the processor extension.
The M80C287 NPX can perform numeric calculations
and data transfers concurrently with CPU program
execution. Numerics code and data have the
same integrity as all other information protected by
the M80C286 protection mechanism.
The M80C286 can overlap chip select decoding and
address propagation during the data transfer for the
previous bus operation. This information is latched
by ALE during the middle of a Ts cycle. The latched
chip select and address information remains stable
during the bus operation while the next cycle's address
is being decoded and propagated into the system.
Decode logic can be implemented with a high
speed PROM or PAL.
The optional decode logic shown in Figure 32 takes
advantage of the overlap between address and data
of the M80C286 bus cycle to generate advanced
memory and lO-select signals. This minimizes system
performance degradation caused by address
propagation and decode delays. In addition to selecting
memory and I/O, the advanced selects may
be used with configurations supporting local and
system buses to enable the appropriate bus interface
for each bus cycle. The COD/INTA and M/IO
signals are applied to the decode logic to distinguish
between interrupt, I/O, code and data bus cycles.
By adding a bus arbiter, the M80C286 provides a
MULTIBUS system bus interface as shown in Figure
35. The ALE output of the M82C288 for the
MULTIBUS bus is connected to its CMDLY input to
delay the start of commands one system CLK as
required to meet MULTIBUS address and write data
setup times. This arrangement will add at least one
extra Tc state to each bus operation which uses the
A second M82C288 bus controller and additional
latches and transceivers could be added to the local
bus of Figure 35. This configuration allows the
M80C286 to support an on-board bus for local memory
and peripherals, and the MULTIBUS for system
bus interfacing.
Figure 34. Basic M80C286 System Configuration
Figure 35. MULTIBUS System Bus Interface
Figure 36. M80C286 System Configuration with Dual-Ported Memory
Figure 36 shows the addition of dual ported dynamic
memory between the MULTIBUS system bus and
the M80C286 local bus. The dual port interface is
provided by the 8207 Dual Port DRAM Controller.
The 8207 runs synchronously with the CPU to maximize
throughput for local memory references. It also
arbitrates between requests from the local and system
buses and performs functions such as refresh,
initialization of RAM, and read/modify/write cycles.
The 8207 combined with the 8206 Error Checking
and Correction memory controller provide for single
bit error correction. The dual-ported memory can be
combined with a standard MULTIBUS system bus
interface to maximize performance and protection in
multiprocessor system configurations.
Mechanical Data
The M80C286 pinout for both the Ceramic Quad
Flatpack, CQFP, and Pin Grid Array, PGA, packages
are shown in Figure 37. VCC and GND connections
must be made to mutiple VCC and VSS (GND) pins.
Each VCC and VSS MUST be connected to the appropriate
voltage level. The circuit board should include
VCC and GND planes for power distribution
and all VCC pins must be connected to the appropriate
Table 17 shows the pin assignments for both the
CQFP and PGA components.
Pins identified as ``N.C.'' should remain completely
Component Pad ViewsÐAs viewed from underside of
component when mounted on the board.
P.C. Board ViewsÐAs viewed from the component
side of the P.C. board.
Ceramic Quad Flatpack
Pin Grid Array NOTE:
N.C. signals must not be connected
Figure 37. M80C286 Pin Configuration
Table 17. Pin Cross Reference for M80C286
A0 44 34
A1 45 33
A2 46 32
A3 50 28
A4 51 27
A5 52 26
A6 53 25
A7 54 24
A8 55 23
A9 56 22
A10 57 21
A11 58 20
A12 59 19
A13 60 18
A14 61 17
A15 62 16
A16 63 15
A17 64 14
A18 65 13
A19 66 12
A20 67 11
A21 68 10
A22 2 8
A23 3 7
D0 42 36
D1 40 38
D2 38 40
D3 36 42
D4 34 44
D5 32 46
D6 30 48
D7 28 50
D8 41 37
D9 39 39
D10 37 41
D11 35 43
D12 33 45
D13 31 47
D14 29 49
D15 27 51
CLK 47 31
RESET 49 29
BHE 9 1
S1 6 4
S0 5 5
LOCK 10 68
M/IO 11 67
COD/INTA 12 66
HLDA 13 65
HOLD 14 64
READY 15 63
PEREQ 17 61
NMI 19 59
INTR 21 57
BUSY 24 54
ERROR 25 53
CAP 26 52
VSS 1 9
VSS 18 35
VSS 43 60
VCC 16 30
VCC 48 62
N.C. 7 2
N.C. 8 3
N.C. 20 55
N.C. 22 56
N.C. 23 58
Table 18. Pin Description
The following pin function descriptions are for the M80C286 microprocessor :
Symbol Type Name and Function
CLK I SYSTEM CLOCK provides the fundamental timing for M80C286 systems. It is
divided by two inside the M80C286 to generate the processor clock. The internal
divide-by-two circuitry can be synchronized to an external clock generator by a
LOW to HIGH transition on the RESET input.
D15±D0 I/O DATA BUS inputs data during memory, I/O, and interrupt acknowledge read
cycles; outputs data during memory and I/O write cycles. The data bus is active
HIGH and floats to 3-state OFF* during bus hold acknowledge.
A23±A0 O ADDRESS BUS outputs physical memory and I/O port addresses. A0 is LOW
when data is to be transferred on pins D7±0. A23±A16 are LOW during I/O
transfers. The address bus is active HIGH and floats to 3-state OFF* during bus
hold acknowledge.
BHE O BUS HIGH ENABLE indicates transfer or data on the upper byte of the data bus.
D15±8. Eight-bit oriented devices assigned to the upper byte of the data bus would
normally use BHE to condition chip select functions. BHE is active LOW and floats
to 3-state OFF* during bus hold acknowledge.
*See bus hold circuitry section.
Table 18. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Type Name and Function
BHE BHE and A0 Encodings
(Continued) BHE Value A0 Value Function
0 0 Word transfer
0 1 Transfer on upper half of data bus (D15±D8)
1 0 Byte transfer on lower half of data bus (D7±D0)
1 1 Will never occur
S1, S0 O BUS CYCLE STATUS indicates initiation of a bus cycle and, along with M/IO and COD/
INTA, defines the type of bus cycle. The bus is in a Ts state whenever one or both are LOW,
S1 and S0 are active LOW and float to 3-state OFF* during bus hold acknowledge.
M80C286 Bus Cycle Status Definition
COD/INTA M/IO S1 S0 Bus Cycle Initiated
0 (LOW) 0 0 0 Interrupt acknowledge
0 0 0 1 Will not occur
0 0 1 0 Will not occur
0 0 1 1 None; not a status cycle
0 1 0 0 IF A1 e 1 then halt; else shutdown
0 1 0 1 Memory data read
0 1 1 0 Memory data write
0 1 1 1 None; not a status cycle
1 (HIGH) 0 0 0 Will not occur
1 0 0 1 I/O read
1 0 1 0 I/O write
1 0 1 1 None; not a status cycle
1 1 0 0 Will not occur
1 1 0 1 Memory instruction read
1 1 1 0 Will not occur
1 1 1 1 None; not a status cycle
M/IO O MEMORY I/O SELECT distinguishes memory access from I/O access. If HIGH during Ts, a
memory cycle or a halt/shutdown cycle is in progress. If LOW, an I/O cycle or an interrupt
acknowledge cycle is in progress. M/IO floats to 3-state OFF* during bus hold
COD/INTA O CODE/INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE distinguishes instruction fetch cycles from memory
data read cycles. Also distinguishes interrupt acknowledge cycles from I/O cycles. COD/
INTA floats to 3-state OFF* during bus hold acknowledge. Its timing is the same as M/IO.
LOCK O BUS LOCK indicates that other system bus masters are not to gain control of the system
bus for the current and the following bus cycle. The LOCK signal may be activated explicitly
by the ``LOCK'' instruction prefix or automatically by M80C286 hardware during memory
XCHG instructions, interrupt acknowledge, or descriptor table access. LOCK is active LOW
and floats to 3-state OFF* during bus hold acknowledge.
READY I BUS READY terminates a bus cycle. Bus cycles are extended without limit until terminated
by READY LOW. READY is an active LOW synchronous input requiring setup and hold
times relative to the system clock be met for correct operation. READY is ignored during
bus hold acknowledge.
HLDA O local bus. The HOLD input allows another local bus master to request control of the local
bus. When control is granted, the M80C286 will float its bus drivers to 3-state OFF* and
then activate HLDA, thus entering the bus hold acknowledge condition. The local bus will
remain granted to the requesting master until HOLD becomes inactive which results in the
M80C286 deactivating HLDA and regaining control of the local bus. This terminates the bus
hold acknowledge condition. HOLD may be asynchronous to the system clock. These
signals are active HIGH.
INTR I INTERRUPT REQUEST requests the M80C286 to suspend its current program execution
and service a pending external request. Interrupt requests are masked whenever the
interrupt enable bit in the flag word is cleared. When the M80C286 responds to an interrupt
request, it performs two interrupt acknowledge bus cycles to read an 8-bit interrupt vector
that identifies the source of the interrupt. To assure program interruption, INTR must remain
active until the first interrupt acknowledge cycle is completed. INTR is sampled at the
beginning of each processor cycle and must be active HIGH at least two processor cycles
before the current instruction ends in order to interrupt before the next instruction. INTR is
level sensitive, active HIGH, and may be asynchronous to the system clock.
*See bus hold circuitry section.
Table 18. Pin Description (Continued)
Symbol Type Name and Function
NMI I NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT REQUEST interrupts the M80C286 with an
internally supplied vector value of 2. No interrupt acknowledge cycles are
performed. The interrupt enable bit in the M80C286 flag word does not affect
this input. The NMI input is active HIGH, may be asynchronous to the system
clock, and is edge triggered after internal synchronization. For proper
recognition, the input must have been previously LOW for at least four system
clock cycles and remain HIGH for at least four system clock cycles.
PEACK O extend the memory management and protection capabilities of the M80C286
to processor extensions. The PEREQ input requests the M80C286 to perform
a data operand transfer for a processor extension. The PEACK output signals
the processor extension when the requested operand is being transferred.
PEREQ is active HIGH and floats to 3-state OFF* during bus hold
acknowledge. PEACK may be asynchronous to the system clock. PEACK is
active LOW.
ERROR I condition of a processor extension to the M80C286. An active BUSY input
stops M80C286 program execution on WAIT and some ESC instructions until
BUSY becomes inactive (HIGH). The M80C286 may be interrupted while
waiting for BUSY to become inactive. An active ERROR input causes the
M80C286 to perform a processor extension interrupt when executing WAIT or
some ESC instructions. These inputs are active LOW and may be
asynchronous to the system clock. These inputs have internal pull-up
RESET I SYSTEM RESET clears the internal logic of the M80C286 and is active HIGH.
The M80C286 may be reinitialized at any time with a LOW to HIGH transition
on RESET which remains active for more than 16 system clock cycles. During
RESET active, the output pins of the M80C286 enter the state shown below:
M80C286 Pin State During Reset
Pin Value Pin Names
1 (HIGH) S0, S1, PEACK, A23±A0, BHE, LOCK
0 (LOW) M/IO, COD/INTA, HLDA (Note 1)
3-state OFF* D15±D0
Operation of the M80C286 begins after a HIGH to LOW transition on RESET.
The HIGH to LOW transition of RESET must be synchronous to the system
clock. Approximately 38 CLK cycles from the trailing edge of RESET are
required by the M80C286 for internal initialization before the first bus cycle, to
fetch code from the power-on execution address, occurs.
A LOW to HIGH transition of RESET synchronous to the system clock will
end a processor cycle at the second HIGH to LOW transition of the system
clock. The LOW to HIGH transition of RESET may be asynchronous to the
system clock; however, in this case it cannot be predetermined which phase
of the processor clock will occur during the next system clock period.
Synchronous LOW to HIGH transitions of RESET are required only for
systems where the processor clock must be phase synchronous to another
VCC I SYSTEM POWER: a5 Volt Power Supply.
CAP I SUBSTRATE FILTER CAPACITOR: a 0.047 mF g 20% 12V capacitor can
be connected between this pin and ground for compatibility with the HMOS
M80286. For systems using only an M80C286, this pin can be left floating.
*See bus hold circuitry section.
1. HLDA is only Low if HOLD is inactive (Low).
Table 19. M80C286 Systems Recommended Pull Up Resistor Values
M80C286 Pin and Name Pullup Value Purpose
Pull S0, S1, and PEACK inactive during M80C286 hold periods
5ÐS0 20 KX g10%
(Note 1)
63ÐREADY 910X g5%
Pull READY inactive within required minimum time (CL e 150 pF,
lR s 7 mA)
1. Pullup resistors are not required for S0 and S1 when the corresponding pins on the M82C284 are connected to S0 and
One of the advantages of using the M80C286 is that
full in-circuit emulation development support is available
thru either the I2ICE 80286 probe for
8 MHz/10 MHz or ICE286 for 12.5 MHz designs. To
utilize these powerful tools it is necessary that the
designer be aware of a few minor parametric and
functional differences between the M80C286 and
the in-circuit emulators. The I2ICE datasheet (I2ICE
Integrated Instrumentation and In-Circuit Emulation
System, order Ý210469) contains a detailed description
of these design considerations. The
ICE286 Fact Sheet (Ý280718) and User's Guide
(Ý452317) contain design considerations for the
80286 12.5 MHz microprocessor. It is recommended
that the appropriate document be reviewed by the
80286 system designer to determine whether or not
these differences affect the design.
The M80C286 Microprocessor is specified for operation
when case temperature (TC) is within the range
of b55§C±a125§C. Case temperature, unlike ambient
temperature, is easily measured in any environment
to determine whether the M80C286 Microprocessor
is within the specified operating range. The
case temperature should be measured at the center
of the top surface of the component.
The maximum ambient temperature (TA) allowable
without violating TC specifications can be calculated
from the equations shown below. TJ is the 80C286
junction temperature. P is the power dissipated by
the M80C286.
TJ e TC a P * iJC
TA e TJ b P * iJA
TC e TA a P * [iJA b iJC]
Values for iJA and iJC are given in Table 20. Table
21 shows the maximum TA allowable (without exceeding
Junction temperature calculations should use an ICC
value that is measured without external resistive
loads. The external resistive loads dissipate additional
power external to the M80C286 and not on
the die. This increases the resistor temperature, not
the die temperature. The full capacitive load (CL e
100 pF) should be applied during the ICC measurement.
Table 20. Thermal Resistances (§C/W)
Package iJC iJC
68-Lead PGA 5.5 30
68-Lead CQFP 11 32
The numbers in Table 20 were calculated using an
ICC of 150 mA, which is representative of the worst
case ICC at TC e 125§C with the outputs unloaded.
Table 21. Maximum (TA)
Package TA (§C)
68-Lead PGA 105
68-Lead CQFP 108
Case Temperature under Bias ÀÀÀb55§C to a125§C
Storage Temperature ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀb65§C toa150§C
Voltage on Any Pin with
Respect to GroundÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀb1.0V to a7V
NOTICE: This data sheet contains information on
products in the sampling and initial production phases
of development. The specifications are subject to
change without notice. Verify with your local Intel
Sales office that you have the latest data sheet before
finalizing a design.
*WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the ``Absolute
Maximum Ratings'' may cause permanent damage.
These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the
``Operating Conditions'' is not recommended and extended
exposure beyond the ``Operating Conditions''
may affect device reliability.
Operating Conditions
Symbol Description Min Max Units
TC Case Temperature (Instant On) b55 a125 §C
VCC Digital Supply Voltage 4.50 5.50 V
D.C. CHARACTERISTICS Over Specified Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Comments
ICC Supply Current 200 mA CL e 100 pF (Note 6)
ICCS Supply Current (Static) 5 mA (Note 7)
CCLK CLK Input Capacitance 20 pF FREQ e 1 MHz
CIN Other Input Capacitance 10 pF FREQ e 1 MHz
CO Input/Output Capacitance 20 pF FREQ e 1 MHz
VIL Input LOW Voltage b0.5 0.8 V FREQ e 2 MHz
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 VCC a 0.5 V FREQ e 2 MHz
VILC CLK Input LOW Voltage b0.5 0.8 V FREQ e 2 MHz
VIHC CLK Input HIGH Voltage 3.8 VCC a 0.5 V FREQ e 2 MHz
VOL Output LOW Voltage 0.45 V IOL e 2.0 mA, FREQ e 2 MHz
VOH Output HIGH Voltage 3.0 V IOHe b2.0 mA, FREQ e 2 MHz
VCC b 0.5 V IOHe b100 mA, FREQ e 2 MHz
ILI Input Leakage Current g10 mA VIN e GND or VCC (Note 6)
ILO Output Leakage Current g10 mA VOeGND or VCC (Note 1)
IIL Input Sustaining Current on b30 b500 mA VIN e 0V (Note 1)
IBHL Input Sustaining Current 35 200 mA VIN e 1.0V (Notes 1, 2)
(Bus Hold LOW)
IBHH Input Sustaining Current b50 b400 mA VIN e 3.0V (Notes 1, 3)
(Bus Hold HIGH)
IBHLO Bus Hold LOW Overdrive 250 mA (Notes 1, 4)
IBHHO Bus Hold HIGH Overdrive b420 mA (Notes 1, 5)
1. Tested with the clock stopped.
2. IBHL should be measured after lowering VIN to GND and then raising to 1.0V on the following pins: 36±51, 66, 67.
3. IBHH should be measured after raising VIN to VCC and then lowering to 3.0V on the following pins: 4±6, 36±51, 66±68.
4. An external driver must source at least IBHLO to switch this node from LOW to HIGH.
5. An external driver must sink at least IBHHO to switch this node from HIGH to LOW.
6. Tested with outputs unloaded and at maximum frequency.
7. Tested while clock stopped in phase 2 and inputs at VCC or VSS with the outputs unloaded.
A.C. CHARACTERISTICS Over Specified Operating Conditions
A.C. timings are referenced to 1.5V points of signals as illustrated in datasheet waveforms, unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter
10 MHz
Unit Comments
Min Max
1 System Clock (CLK) Period 50 DC ns
2 System Clock (CLK) LOW Time 12 ns at 1.0V
3 System Clock (CLK) HIGH Time 16 ns at 3.6V
17 System Clock (CLK) Rise Time 8 ns 1.0V to 3.6V
18 System Clock (CLK) Fall Time 8 ns 3.6V to 1.0V
4 Asynchronous Inputs Setup Time 20 ns (Note 1)
5 Asynchronous Inputs Hold Time 20 ns (Note 1)
6 RESET Setup Time 23 ns
7 RESET Hold Time 5 ns
8 Read Data Setup Time 8 ns
9 Read Data Hold Time 8 ns
10 READY Setup Time 26 ns
11 READY Hold Time 25 ns
12a1 Status Active Delay 5 22 ns (Notes 2, 3)
12a2 PEACK Active Delay 5 22 ns (Notes 2, 3)
12b Status/PEACK Inactive Delay 3 30 ns (Notes 2, 3)
13 Address Valid Delay 4 35 ns (Notes 2, 3)
14 Write Data Valid Delay 3 40 ns (Notes 2, 3)
15 Address/Status/Data Float Delay 2 47 ns (Notes 2, 4)
16 HLDA Valid Delay 3 47 ns (Notes 2, 3)
19 Address Valid To Status 27 ns (Notes 2, 3)
Valid Setup Time
1. Asynchronous inputs are INTR, NMI, HOLD, PEREQ, ERROR, and BUSY. This specification is given only for testing
purposes, to assure recognition at a specific CLK edge.
2. Delay from 1.0V on the CLK, to 1.5V or float on the output as appropriate for valid or floating condition.
3. Output load: CL e 100 pF.
4. Float condition occurs when output current is less than ILO in magnitude.
AC Test Loading on Outputs
AC Drive and Measurement PointsÐCLK Input
AC Setup, Hold and Delay Time MeasurementÐGeneral
Typical Capacitive Derating Curves
Typical CMOS Level Slew Rates for Address/Data Buffers
Typical TTL Level Slew Rates for Address/Data Buffers
Typical ICC vs Frequency for Different Output Loads
M82C284 Timing Requirements
Symbol Parameter
Unit Comments
Min Max
11 SRDY/SRDYEN Setup Time 17.5 ns
12 SRDY/SRDYEN Hold Time 2 ns
13 ARDY/ARDYEN Setup Time 0 ns (Note 1)
14 ARDY/ARDYEN Hold Time 30 ns (Note 1)
19 PCLK Delay 0 35 ns CL e 75 pF
IOL e 5 mA
IOHe b1 mA
1. These times are given for testing purposes to assure a predetermined action.
M82C288 Timing Requirements
Symbol Parameter
Unit Comments
Min Max
12 CMDLY Setup Time 15 ns
13 CMDLY Hold Time 1 ns
30 Command Command Inactive 5 20 CL e 300 pF max
Command Active 3 21
ns IOL e 32 mA max
29 from CLK IOHe b5 mA max
16 ALE Active Delay 3 16 ns
17 ALE Inactive Delay 19 ns
19 DT/R Read Active Delay 23 ns
CL e 150 pF 22 DT/R Read Inactive Delay 5 20 ns
IOL e 16 mA max
20 DEN Read Active Delay 5 21 ns IOHe b1 mA max
21 DEN Read Inactive Delay 3 21 ns
23 DEN Write Active Delay 23 ns
24 DEN Write Inactive Delay 3 19 ns
1. The modified timing is due to the CMDLY signal being active.
WAVEFORMS (Continued)
1. PCLK indicates which processor cycle phase will occur
on the next CLK. PCLK may not indicate the correct
phase until the first bus cycle is performed.
2. These inputs are asynchronous. The setup and hold
times shown assure recognition for testing purposes.
1. When RESET meets the setup time shown, the next
CLK will start or repeat w2 of a processor cycle.
1. These signals may not be driven by the M80C286 during the time shown. The worst case in terms of latest float time
is shown.
2. The data bus will be driven as shown if the last cycle before TI in the diagram was a write TC.
3. The M80C286 floats its status pins during TH. External 20 KX resistors keep these signals high (see Table 16).
4. For HOLD request set up to HLDA, refer to Figure 29.
5. BHE and LOCK are driven at this time but will not become valid until TS.
6. The data bus will remain in 3-state OFF if a read cycle is performed.
WAVEFORMS (Continued)
NOTES: 271103±48
1. PEACK always goes active during the first bus operation of a processor extension data operand transfer sequence.
The first bus operation will be either a memory read at operand address or I/O read at port address OOFA(H).
2. To prevent a second processor extension data operand transfer, the worst case maximum time (Shown above) is:
3cjb12a2max.bmmin.. The actual, configuration dependent, maximum time is: 3cjb12a2max.bmmin. a
A is the number of extra TC states added to either the first or second bus operation of the processor extension data
operand transfer sequence.
NOTES: 271103±49
1. Setup time for RESET u may be violated with the consideration that w1 of the processor clock may begin one
system CLK period later.
2. Setup and hold times for RESET v must be met for proper operation, but RESET v may occur during w1 or w2.
3. The data bus is only guaranteed to be in 3-state OFF at the time shown.
Figure 35. M80C286 Instruction Format Examples
Instruction Timing Notes
The instruction clock counts listed below establish
the maximum execution rate of the M80C286. With
no delays in bus cycles, the actual clock count of an
M80C286 program will average 5% more than the
calculated clock count, due to instruction sequences
which execute faster than they can be fetched from
To calculate elapsed times for instruction sequences,
multiply the sum of all instruction clock
counts, as listed in the table below, by the processor
clock period. A 10 MHz processor clock has a clock
period of 100 nanoseconds and requires an
M80C286 system clock (CLK input) of 20 MHz.
Instruction Clock Count Assumptions
1. The instruction has been prefetched, decoded,
and is ready for execution. Control transfer instruction
clock counts include all time required to
fetch, decode, and prepare the next instruction for
2. Bus cycles do not require wait states.
3. There are no processor extension data transfer or
local bus HOLD requests.
4. No exceptions occur during instruction execution.
Instruction Set Summary Notes
Addressing displacements selected by the MOD
field are not shown. If necessary they appear after
the instruction fields shown.
Above/below refers to unsigned value
Greater refers to positive signed value
Less refers to less positive (more negative) signed
if d e 1 then to register; if d e 0 then from register
if w e 1 then word instruction; if w e 0 then byte
if s e 0 then 16-bit immediate data form the operand
if s e 1 then an immediate data byte is sign-extended
to form the 16-bit operand
x don't care
z used for string primitives for comparison with
If two clock counts are given, the smaller refers to a
register operand and the larger refers to a memory
* e add one clock if offset calculation requires
summing 3 elements
n e number of times repeated
m e number of bytes of code in next instruction
Level (L)ÐLexical nesting level of the procedure
The following comments describe possible exceptions,
side effects, and allowed usage for instructions
in both operating modes of the M80C286.
1. This is a protected mode instruction. Attempted
execution in real address mode will result in an
undefined opcode exception (6).
2. A segment overrun exception (13) will occur if a
word operand reference at offset FFFF(H) is attempted.
3. This instruction may be executed in real address
mode to initialize the CPU for protected mode.
4. The IOPL and NT fields will remain 0.
5. Processor extension segment overrun interrupt
(9) will occur if the operand exceeds the segment
6. An exception may occur, depending on the value
of the operand.
7. LOCK is automatically asserted regardless of the
presence or absence of the LOCK instruction
8. LOCK does not remain active between all operand
9. A general protection exception (13) will occur if
the memory operand cannot be used due to either
a segment limit or access rights violation. If
a stack segment limit is violated, a stack segment
overrun exception (12) occurs.
10. For segment load operations, the CPL, RPL, and
DPL must agree with privilege rules to avoid an
exception. The segment must be present to
avoid a not-present exception (11). If the SS register
is the destination, and a segment not-present
violation occurs, a stack exception (12) occurs.
11. All segment descriptor accesses in the GDT or
LDT made by this instruction will automatically
assert LOCK to maintain descriptor integrity in
multiprocessor systems.
12. JMP, CALL, INT, RET, IRET instructions referring
to another code segment will cause a general
protection exception (13) if any privilege rule is
13. A general protection exception (13) occurs if
CPL i 0.
14. A general protection exception (13) occurs if
15. The IF field of the flag word is not updated if CPL
l IOPL. The IOPL field is updated only if
CPL e 0.
16. Any violation of privilege rules as applied to the
selector operand do not cause a protection exception;
rather, the instruction does not return a
result and the zero flag is cleared.
17. If the starting address of the memory operand
violates a segment limit, or an invalid access is
attempted, a general protection exception (13)
will occur before the ESC instruction is executed.
A stack segment overrun exception (12) will
occur if the stack limit is violated by the operand's
starting address. If a segment limit is violated
during an attempted data transfer then a
processor extension segment overrun exception
(9) occurs.
18. The destination of an INT, JMP, CALL, RET or
IRET instruction must be in the defined limit of a
code segment or a general protection exception
(13) will occur.
Mode Mode
MOV eMove:
Register to Register/Memory 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 w mod reg r/m 2,3* 2,3* 2 9
Register/memory to register 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 w mod reg r/m 2,5* 2,5* 2 9
Immediate to register/memory 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 w mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if w e 1 2,3* 2,3* 2 9
Immediate to register 1 0 1 1 w reg data data if we1 2 2
Memory to accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 w addr-low addr-high 5 5 2 9
Accumulator to memory 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 w addr-low addr-high 3 3 2 9
Register/memory to segment register 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 mod 0 reg r/m 2,5* 17,19* 2 9,10,11
Segment register to register/memory 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 mod 0 reg r/m 2,3* 2,3* 2 9
Memory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 1 1 0 r/m 5* 5* 2 9
Register 0 1 0 1 0 reg 3 3 2 9
Segment register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 0 3 3 2 9
Immediate 0 1 1 0 1 0 s 0 data data if se0 3 3 2 9
PUSHAePush All 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 2 9
Memory 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 mod 0 0 0 r/m 5* 5* 2 9
Register 0 1 0 1 1 reg 5 5 2 9
Segment register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 1 (regi01) 5 20 2 9,10,11
POPAePop All 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 19 19 2 9
Register/memory with register 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 w mod reg r/m 3,5* 3,5* 2,7 7,9
Register with accumulator 1 0 0 1 0 reg 3 3
INeInput from:
Fixed port 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 w port 5 5 14
Variable port 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 w 5 5 14
OUTeOutput to:
Fixed port 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 w port 3 3 14
Variable port 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 w 3 3 14
XLATeTranslate byte to AL 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 5 5 9
LEAeLoad EA to register 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 mod reg r/m 3* 3*
LDSeLoad pointer to DS 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 mod reg r/m (modi11) 7* 21* 2 9,10,11
LESeLoad pointer to ES 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 mod reg r/m (modi1) 7* 21* 2 9,10,11
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in M8086, 88 microsystems.
Mode Mode
LAHF Load AH with flags 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
SAHFeStore AH into flags 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 2
PUSHFePush flags 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 3 2 9
POPFePop flags 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 5 2,4 9,15
Reg/memory with register to either 0 0 0 0 0 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate to register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 s w mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if s w e 01 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate to accumulator 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
ADCeAdd with carry:
Reg/memory with register to either 0 0 0 1 0 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate to register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 s w mod 0 1 0 r/m data data if s w e 01 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate to accumulator 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
Register/memory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w mod 0 0 0 r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Register 0 1 0 0 0 reg 2 2
Reg/memory and register to either 0 0 1 0 1 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate from register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 s w mod 1 0 1 r/m data data if s w e 01 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate from accumulator 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
SBBeSubtract with borrow:
Reg/memory and register to either 0 0 0 1 1 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate from register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 s w mod 0 1 1 r/m data data if s we01 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate from accumulator 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
Register/memory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w mod 0 0 1 r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Register 0 1 0 0 1 reg 2 2
Register/memory with register 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 w mod reg r/m 2,6* 2,6* 2 9
Register with register/memory 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate with register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 s w mod 1 1 1 r/m data data if s we01 3,6* 3,6* 2 9
Immediate with accumulator 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
NEGeChange sign 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 0 1 1 r/m 2 7* 2 9
AAAeASCII adjust for add 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 3
DAAeDecimal adjust for add 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 3
Mode Mode
ARITHMETIC (Continued)
AASeASCII adjust for subtract 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3
DASeDecimal adjust for subtract 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 3
MULeMultiply (unsigned): 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 1 0 0 r/m
Register-Byte 13 13
Register-Word 21 21
Memory-Byte 16* 16* 2 9
Memory-Word 24* 24* 2 9
IMULeInteger multiply (signed): 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 1 0 1 r/m
Register-Byte 13 13
Register-Word 21 21
Memory-Byte 16* 16* 2 9
Memory-Word 24* 24* 2 9
IMULeInteger immediate multiply 0 1 1 0 1 0 s 1 mod reg r/m data data if s e 0 21,24* 21,24* 2 9
DIVeDivide (unsigned) 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 1 1 0 r/m
Register-Byte 14 14 6 6
Register-Word 22 22 6 6
Memory-Byte 17* 17* 2,6 6,9
Memory-Word 25* 25* 2,6 6,9
IDIVeInteger divide (signed) 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 1 1 1 r/m
Register-Byte 17 17 6 6
Register-Word 25 25 6 6
Memory-Byte 20* 20* 2,6 6,9
Memory-Word 28* 28* 2,6 6,9
AAMeASCII adjust for multiply 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 16 16
AADeASCII adjust for divide 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 14 14
CBWeConvert byte to word 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2
CWDeConvert word to double word 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2
Shift/Rotate Instructions:
Register/Memory by 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 w mod TTT r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Register/Memory by CL 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 w mod TTT r/m 5an,8an* 5an,8an* 2 9
Register/Memory by Count 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 w mod TTT r/m count 5an,8an* 5an,8an* 2 9
TTT Instruction
0 0 0 ROL
0 0 1 ROR
0 1 0 RCL
0 1 1 RCR
1 0 0 SHL/SAL
1 0 1 SHR
1 1 1 SAR
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in M8086, 88 microsystems.
Mode Mode
ARITHMETIC (Continued)
Reg/memory and register to either 0 0 1 0 0 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate to register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 w mod 1 0 0 r/m data data if we1 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate to accumulator 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
TESTeAnd function to flags, no result:
Register/memory and register 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 w mod reg r/m 2,6* 2,6* 2 9
Immediate data and register/memory 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if we1 3,6* 3,6* 2 9
Immediate data and accumulator 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 w data data if we1 3 3
Reg/memory and register to either 0 0 0 0 1 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate to register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 w mod 0 0 1 r/m data data if we1 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate to accumulator 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 w data data if we1 3 3
XOReExclusive or:
Reg/memory and register to either 0 0 1 1 0 0 d w mod reg r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
Immediate to register/memory 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 w mod 1 1 0 r/m data data if w e 1 3,7* 3,7* 2 9
Immediate to accumulator 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 w data data if w e1 3 3
NOTeInvert register/memory 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 w mod 0 1 0 r/m 2,7* 2,7* 2 9
MOVSeMove byte/word 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 w 5 5 2 9
CMPSeCompare byte/word 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 w 8 8 2 9
SCASeScan byte/word 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 w 7 7 2 9
LODSeLoad byte/wd to AL/AX 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 w 5 5 2 9
STOSeStor byte/wd from AL/A 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 w 3 3 2 9
INSeInput byte/wd from DX port 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 w 5 5 2 9,14
OUTSeOutput byte/wd to DX port 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 w 5 5 2 9,14
Repeated by count in CX
MOV5eMove string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 w 5a4n 5a4n 2 9
CMPSeCompare string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 z 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 w 5a9n 5a9n 2,8 8,9
SCASeScan string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 z 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 w 5a8n 5a8n 2,8 8,9
LODSeLoad string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 w 5a4n 5a4n 2,8 8,9
STOSeStore string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 w 4a3n 4a3n 2,8 8,9
INSeInput string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 w 5a4n 5a4n 2 9,14
OUTSeOutput string 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 w 5a4n 5a4n 2 9,14
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in M8086, 88 microsystems.
Mode Mode
CALL eCall:
Direct within segment 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 disp-low disp-high 7am 7am 2 18
Register/memory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 0 1 0 r/m 7 am, 11am* 7am, 11am* 2,8 8,9,18
indirect within segment
Direct intersegment 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 segment offset 13am 26am 2 11,12,18
Protected Mode Only (Direct intersegment): segment selector
Via call gate to same privilege level 41am 8,11,12,18
Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters 82am 8,11,12,18
Via call gate to different privilege level, x parameters 86 a4xam 8,11,12,18
Via TSS 177am 8,11,12,18
Via task gate 182am 8,11,12,18
Indirect intersegment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 0 1 1 r/m (modi11) 16am 29am* 2 8,9,11,12,18
Protected Mode Only (Indirect intersegment):
Via call gate to same privilege level 44am* 8,9,11,12,18
Via call gate to different privilege level, no parameters 83 am* 8,9,11,12,18
Via call gate to different privilege level, x parameters 90a4x am* 8,9,11,12,18
Via TSS 180am* 8,9,11,12,18
Via task gate 185am* 8,9,11,12,18
JMPeUnconditional jump:
Short/long 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 disp-low 7am 7am 18
Direct within segment 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 disp-low disp-high 7am 7am 18
Register/memory indirect within segment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 1 0 0 r/m 7 am, 11am* 7am, 11am* 2 9,18
Direct intersegment 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 segment offset 11am 23am 11,12,18
Protected Mode Only (Direct intersegment): segment selector
Via call gate to same privilege level 38am 8,11,12,18
Via TSS 175am 8,11,12,18
Via task gate 180am 8,11,12,18
Indirect intersegment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mod 1 0 1 r/m (modi11) 15am* 26am* 2 8,9,11,12,18
Protected Mode Only (Indirect intersegment):
Via call gate to same privilege level 41am* 8,9,11,12,18
Via TSS 178am* 8,9,11,12,18
Via task gate 183am* 8,9,11,12,18
RETeReturn from CALL:
Within segment 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 11am 11am 2 8,9,18
Within seg adding immed to SP 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 data-low data-high 11am 11am 2 8,9,18
Intersegment 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 15am 25am 2 8,9,11,12,18
Intersegment adding immediate to SP 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 data-low data-high 15am 2 8,9,11,12,18
Protected Mode Only (RET):
To different privilege level 55am 9,11,12,18
Mode Mode
JE/JZeJump on equal zero 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JL/JNGEeJump on less/not greater or equal 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JLE/JNGeJump on less or equal/not greater 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JB/JNAEeJump on below/not above or equal 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JBE/JNAeJump on below or equal/not above 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JP/JPEeJump on parity/parity even 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JOeJump on overflow 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 disp 7 am or 3 7am or 3 18
JSeJump on sign 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 disp 7a m or 3 7am or 3 18
JNE/JNZeJump on not equal/not zero 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNL/JGEeJump on not less/greater or equal 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNLE/JGeJump on not less or equal/greater 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNB/JAEeJump on not below/above or equal 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNBE/JAeJump on not below or equal/above 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNP/JPOeJump on not par/par odd 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNOeJump on not overflow 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 disp 7am or 3 7am or 3 18
JNSeJump on not sign 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 disp 7 am or 3 7am or 3 18
LOOPeLoop CX times 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 disp 8 am or 4 8am or 4 18
LOOPZ/LOOPEeLoop while zero/equal 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 disp 8am or 4 8am or 4 18
LOOPNZ/LOOPNEeLoop while not zero/equal 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 disp 8am or 4 8am or 4 18
JCXZeJump on CX zero 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 disp 8 am or 4 8am or 4 18
ENTEReEnter Procedure 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 data-low data-high L
2,8 8,9
Le0 11 11
2,8 8,9
Le1 15 15
2,8 8,9
L l 1 16a4(L b 1) 16a4(L b 1)
2,8 8,9
LEAVEeLeave Procedure 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 5
Type specified 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 type 23am 2,7,8
Type 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 23am 2,7,8
INTOeInterrupt on overflow 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 24 am or 3 2,6,8
(3 if no (3 if no
interrupt) interrupt)
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in M8086, 88 microsystems.
Mode Mode
Protected Mode Only:
Via interrupt or trap gate to same privilege level 40a m 7,8,11,12,18
Via interrupt or trap gate to fit different privilege level 78a m 7,8,11,12,18
Via Task Gate 167am 7,8,11,12,18
IRETeInterrupt return 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 17am 31am 2,4 8,9,11,12,15,18
Protected Mode Only:
To different privilege level 55am 8,9,11,12,15,18
To different task (NTe1) 169am 8,9,11,12,18
BOUNDeDetect value out of range 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 mod reg r/m 13* 13* 2,6 6,8,9,11,12,18
(Use INT clock
count if
exception 5)
CLCeClear carry 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2
CMCeComplement carry 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 2
STCeSet carry 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 2
CLDeClear direction 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 2
STDeSet direction 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 2
CLIeClear interrupt 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 3 14
STIeSet interrupt 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 14
HLTeHalt 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 13
WAITeWait 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 3
LOCKeBus lock prefix 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
CTSeClear task switched flag 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 3 13
ESCeProcessor Extension Escape 1 1 0 1 1 T T T mod LLL r/m 9±20* 9±20* 5,8 8,17
(TTT LLL are opcode to processor extension)
SEGeSegment Override Prefix 001 reg 110 0 0
LGDTeLoad global descriptor table register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 mod 0 1 0 r/m 11* 11* 2,3 9,13
SGDTeStore global descriptor table register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 mod 0 0 0 r/m 11* 11* 2,3 9
LIDTeLoad interrupt descriptor table register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 mod 0 1 1 r/m 12* 12* 2,3 9,13
SIDTeStore interrupt descriptor table register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 mod 0 0 1 r/m 12* 12* 2,3 9
LLDTeLoad local descriptor table register
from register memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mod 0 1 0 r/m 17,19* 1 9,11,13
SLDTeStore local descriptor table register
to register/memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mod 0 0 0 r/m 2,3* 1 9
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in M8086, 88 microsystems.
Mode Mode
LTReLocal task register
from register/memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mod 0 1 1 r/m 17,19* 1 9,11,13
STReStore task register
to register memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mod 0 0 1 r/m 2,3* 1 9
LMSWeLoad machine status word
from register/memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 mod 1 1 0 r/m 3,6* 3,6* 2,3 9,13
SMSWeStore machine status word 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 mod 1 0 0 r/m 2,3* 2,3* 2,3 9
LAReLoad access rights
from register/memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 mod reg r/m 14,16* 1 9,11,16
LSLeLoad segment limit
from register/memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 mod reg r/m 14,16* 1 9,11,16
ARPLeAdjust requested privilege level: 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 mod reg r/m 10*,11* 2 8,9
from register/memory
VERReVerify read access: register/memory 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mod 1 0 0 r/m 14,16* 1 9,11,16
VERReVerify write access: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mod 1 0 1 r/m 14,16* 1 9,11,16
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in M8086, 88 microsystems.
The Effective Address (EA) of the memory operand
is computed according to the mod and r/m fields:
if mod e 11 then r/m is treated as a REG field
if mod e 00 then DISP e 0*, disp-low and disp-high
are absent
if mod e 01 then DISP e disp-low sign-extended to
16 bits, disp-high is absent
if mod e 10 then DISP e disp-high: disp-low
if r/m e 000 then EA e (BX) a (SI) a DISP
if r/m e 001 then EA e (BX) a (DI) a DISP
if r/m e 010 then EA e (BP) a (SI) a DISP
if r/m e 011 then EA e (BP) a (DI) a DISP
if r/m e 100 then EA e (SI) a DISP
if r/m e 101 then EA e (DI) a DISP
if r/m e 110 then EA e (BP) a DISP*
if r/m e 111 then EA e (BX) a DISP
DISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (before data if
*except if mod e 00 and r/m e 110 then EQ e disp-high: disp-low.
0 0 1 reg 1 1 0
reg is assigned according to the following:
reg Register
00 ES
01 CS
10 SS
11 DC
REG is assigned according to the following table:
16-Bit (w e 1) 8-Bit (w e 0)
000 AX 000 AL
001 CX 001 CL
010 DX 010 DL
011 BX 011 BL
100 SP 100 AH
101 BP 101 CH
101 SI 110 DH
111 DI 111 BH
The physical addresses of all operands addressed
by the BP register are computed using the SS segment
register. The physical addresses of the destination
operands of the string primitive operations
(those addressed by the DI register) are computed
using the ES segment, which may not be overridden.
INTEL CORPORATION, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052; Tel. (408) 765-8080
INTEL CORPORATION (U.K.) Ltd., Swindon, United Kingdom; Tel. (0793) 696 000
INTEL JAPAN k.k., Ibaraki-ken; Tel. 029747-8511

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